B Clones (Clones #1) - Laurann Dohner Page 0,75

using sensors to fly by.”

She turned her head but he’d already looked away, focused on flying toward the crater that opened into the old mining base. He immediately saw what Big had warned him about. He let out a laugh.


“Big implemented some safety features since the last time I was here.” He slowed even more, seeing the large chucks of asteroid rocks on the sensors, floating in the crater opening. He had to carefully steer past them, going over a huge one, then diving down before changing course to avoid the next. He rounded it and went deeper into the crater.

“So, you don’t trust me?”

He couldn’t take his focus off the sensors. “I do. It’s not just my life at risk, though. It doesn’t feel right showing you where we are without Big’s permission first. It’s his home more so than mine. He’s the one who’s remained here.”

Blade maneuvered around another large asteroids and saw the open docking bay door. It was the largest one the station boasted. He drove in and landed. As soon as he got confirmation that the metal shuttle feet had magnetically locked to the deck, he cut the thrusters and began to shut the engines down. It would take about five minutes for the bay to be repressurized and oxygenated.

He stood and stared down at Hailey, hating to see the hurt in her eyes. He crouched next to her seat and cupped her face. “I do trust you. It’s just that this secret isn’t mine to share. Please believe me.”

Some of the hurt left her eyes, and she gave a little nod. “Are you certain your Big isn’t going to dislike me because I’m human?”

“Big is a good guy. He won’t care…but he might be a little worried when I have to tell him that you’ll be returning to your colony. Trust comes hard for us because so many humans don’t see clones the way they do other people. We’re used to being treated badly.”

“I see you, Blade. You’re an amazing man.”

“Thank you, baby.”

He released her face and reached for her belts, unstrapping her. “Would you mind waiting onboard while I talk to Big? You can come with me if you want; I just know he’s going to want a detailed account of my time with the pirates. I’ll be honest, some things I don’t want you to hear. Pirates are terrible people. I’m just planning on exiting once the bay can support life, and talking to him here. Then I can come get you to meet him.”

She studied him, peering deeply into his eyes. “Which would make you feel more comfortable?”

“Me talking to Big alone at first.”

“Okay. Then I’ll wait. I should probably brush my hair and dress nicer. I want my first impression to be a good one.”

He chuckled, straightening and then pulling her to her feet. “You’re beautiful. Don’t try to look even better for some other guy. I’ll get jealous.”

She smiled. “Would you?”

“Definitely. I won’t be long.”

“Are you bringing him onboard? I should probably clean up the living space a little. We were making out this morning on the couch.”

“Good plan. I’ll bring him there when we’re done.”


He hesitated. “Don’t be nervous. Big is a good guy. I would never let anyone hurt you. Trust that.”

“I do.”

He nodded. “I’m going to the cargo hold now. That’s where he’ll head once he can enter the bay. The panel there will tell me when it’s safe to unseal the door and lower the ramp.” He brushed a kiss over her mouth. “You’re perfect as you are. No changing clothes.”

That got a laugh out of her. “I heard you.”

“Good.” He walked way. “Mine.”


He turned and grinned, pointing at her. “Mine. Hear that, too.” Then he spun, quickly leaving the cockpit to head for the lift.

His humor died quickly. Hailey was his…but only for a limited time. One day soon, he’d have to let her go.

It just might kill him inside when that day came.

Chapter Seven

The light on the panel flashed green and Blade tapped in the code. The doors began to unseal and the ramp motor whirred to life. He stepped closer to the opening, spotting the tall clone striding toward him from the other side of the bay. The sight made him smile. It had been too long since he’d seen his best friend.

Big grinned back and lifted his arm, waving.

As soon as the ramp touched the bay floor, Blade rushed down and hurried to greet his friend. They both spread their arms

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