B Clones (Clones #1) - Laurann Dohner Page 0,61

what inventory remained.

A slight noise alerted him that Hailey had followed. He turned, glancing at her.

She stayed near the door. “Can I help?”

“Pick something that sounds good, and I’ll hydrate it.”

She came up next to him and started reading the labels of packets inside the box he’d opened, removing one. “This.”

He grinned, taking it from her. “I like the steak and gravy with potatoes, too.”

“There were a lot of them in the kitchen inside the captain’s quarters. I’ve never had such high-quality food before. We couldn’t afford this stuff at home. Meat is super rare, since most of our livestock is for producing dairy instead of for eating. Sometimes when one dies of old age or by accident, they sell that meat. But it’s expensive.”

“The owner of this vessel is wealthy. There are large crates of food packets in the cargo hold. We’ll eat well for a long time.”

“That’s good.” She smiled back. “I can’t complain that I’m suffering, being aboard the Morgan.”

He could relate. The luxury shuttle was much larger and nicer than his last ship, plus he liked sharing it with a woman. Hailey had a pleasant voice, and he found her very attractive. He just hoped she meant it when she said she didn’t fear him and had no plans to cause him harm.

He attached the packet to the food hydrator and hit a button. The bag inflated as hot water mixed with the contents. It took less than a minute to finish. He removed it, unsealed the top, and poured the contents onto a plate.

The smell of food made his stomach grumble. He’d gone too long without eating. He picked up the dish, offering it to her.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He grabbed a food packet for himself and hydrated it, very aware of her moving to the small table behind him.

He opened one of the cold storage units to remove two drinks and placed one near her. He got his own food plated and two sets of silverware. They didn’t speak as he took a seat across from her and dug into his own meal. It was a comfortable silence.

He finished first and stood, prepared to exit the kitchen area, but she spoke, halting him.

“Don’t go.”

He retook his seat. “Do you have something on your mind?”

She shook her head. “I was kind of going crazy being alone for so long. I’m not used to it. I live with my parents and when I’m not with them, I’m teaching my students. I don’t know how you live in space all the time.”

“It does get very lonely.”

She stopped eating and peered at him. “You get lonely?”

“All the time. I felt that way when I was with the pirates, too. There were over two hundred people living at the hub but most didn’t talk to me. They didn’t view me as someone they wished to know. I believe they think I’m more of a fleshy android than a real person with feelings.”

“I don’t see you that way.”

“I’m glad. Do you have more questions about clones?”

“I think you covered all the important things.”

“Good. I want you to be at ease with me.”

“How come you don’t live with other clones if you’re lonely? Like Big?”

“I did. Six of us escaped Clone World together, and at first, we settled into the place we call home. Our home is roomy, but we began to argue.”


“You never have disagreements with your family?”

She nodded. “Of course.”

“Then it’s probably much the same. We clashed. Like humans, clones will do that when we get bored or frustrated. Then I decided to leave and travel for a bit. I learned to regret that decision.”

“Because you missed them?”


“Why didn’t you go back?”

He sighed. “Pride, at first. We’re competitive by nature. They created us to be that way. To be the best. I thought I’d acquire a lot of supplies and return at some point, when I felt I might have enough to impress the others. Instead, my engine blew and I was stranded in space. The pirates found and captured me.”

“Well, you’re going back now.”

He nodded. “You’ll be safest there.”

“I’m sorry that you lost your ship, Blade.”

“Don’t be. The Morgan is an impressive shuttle and the cargo hold is full of supplies. I won’t be returning home empty-handed. But your safety is my first concern, even if this was a crappy vessel and we had nothing. My pride isn’t worth your life. We’ll stay there for a bit until Big and I come up with a plan to get you

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