B Clones (Clones #1) - Laurann Dohner Page 0,4

meds would keep her locked in this dream.

“You share the exact name as a celebrity?”

“I just said that. Some guy with a camera even thought I was her. That singer was at the hotel, too, but the nurse said she died. Hence this stupid nightmare.”

He eased his hold. “You don’t believe this is real?”

“No. As I said before, they’re giving me the good drugs. I’m not feeling any pain…except for suffering through this.”

“Your original body died. What year do you believe it is?”

Gemma had to resist rolling her eyes. She just wanted to wake up to see if her sons had arrived yet. But this damn dream wouldn’t end. She was trapped, peering up at a fantasy guy who still waited patiently for her to answer him. She sighed, deciding to continue to play along, since she had little choice. “It’s 2020.”

He gave her a look of pity. “It’s 2141. I’m a clone as well, but not the same type as you are. I was engineered and designated to be a security model.”

“I thought you were supposed to be a pirate?”

“I didn’t like being told what to do. You and I were both grown inside a clone manufacturing plant on Earth. We have that in common.” He addressed the robot. “Why weren’t her memories wiped?”

“Mr. Florigo ordered the clone to be as realistic as possible. He didn’t request a blank. She’s a new addition to Clone World Incorporated.”

“That’s cruel and illegal,” he seethed. “Wasn’t he worried she’d have a meltdown?”

The dream pirate may have been speaking to the robot, but Gemma answered anyway. “No, this dream is cruel and should be illegal. I still might have a meltdown though, if this doesn’t end soon. I want to wake up to say goodbye to my sons. Aren’t you supposed to be robbing this spaceship? Get it over with already.” Gemma backed away from him until he had to release her.

He shifted his focus back on her. “I’m sorry. This must be very confusing for you. Keep believing it’s a dream, if that helps keep you calm. I worry about what will happen when you finally realize the truth. Laws were passed banning manufacturers from giving clones the memories of the original source material, after the first dozen went insane.”

“I think I’m handling my pending death pretty well, besides having this weird space dream.”

“Are you deeply religious?”

She frowned. “That’s none of your business.”

“It’s very relevant. Please answer. Do you believe in a soul that a God created just for the body you were born in?”

Gemma frowned, hoping the dream wasn’t about to turn into a guilt trip, like the ones her parents used to give her after she’d stopped going to church. Then again, maybe it would wake her from the nightmare. “I don’t go to church or buy into any certain religious beliefs.”

“Then perhaps you have a chance of surviving.”

That was the last thing she’d expected to hear from his lips. It threw her a little, but she recovered. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“We’ll discuss this later. I’m not going to leave you to die. I’m taking you with me. Go onboard my ship and wait for me. I targeted this transport specifically because it’s heading to Clone World.”

“Clone World? What’s that? I’m just dying to know.” She managed to resist rolling her eyes again.

“No birthed beings were comfortable with the idea of clones mingling with Earth society—”

“Birthed beings?” Gemma interrupted, arching her eyebrows.

“Humans born from other humans.” He paused. “As opposed to being grown in a tank in a manufacturing plant, the way clones are. Birthed beings and clones are seen as two vastly separate entities. Rico Florigo bought a small planet and opened a theme park featuring clones. It’s for amusing rich people, giving them the opportunity to meet some of their favorite celebrities from the past and watch them perform. You were obviously created to be a singer. They probably built you a concert stage to entertain guests.”

“Another epic fail, since, as I said, I can’t carry a tune. Then again, this is a dream. Maybe I have a rock star voice.” Gemma looked down at her chest. “I mean, check out my boobs. Definitely young celebrity material. They’re all perky and perfect. They sure don’t look that way that in real life anymore. I’d dubbed them my landslides after nursing two babies.” She glanced up at him.

His mouth gaped but he recovered fast. “Go aboard my ship. I’m clearing out the cargo, and I’ll

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