Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,90

Lionel’s whim and there was nothing he could do about it. Without a doubt, Declan’s last moments would be one of utter suffering before he unwillingly gave every secret held about the Trust into Lionel’s deceptive hands. Once he was done extracting the information he desired, he would either kill him, or leave him a vegetable with no remnants of who he was remaining anymore.

He willed himself to not scream, despite how excruciating the pain was. He would not give Lionel the satisfaction that he craved.

“Open your eyes, Declan.” He barely felt the swift harsh kick in his stomach. “I said, OPEN YOUR EYES!”

His lungs screamed as he took a shallow breath. “No.”

“It is so going to be a pleasure killing you.”

“Please. Like I would ever let that happen.” His body went into a blissful numbness as Lionel turned around wildly at the feminine voice that was coming from across the room. Caitlyn. “Maybe you should learn how to shield your thoughts.”

“Declan, your little girlfriend has come to save you. How sweet.”

“Shut it, Lionel.” Caitlyn’s eyes flashed with fury. It was a sight to behold and should have been terrifying to the person who was on the receiving end of that anger. Unfortunately for Lionel, Declan knew that he did not know the wrath her anger would bring to him. Declan thanked God that the past few months his contact with his mentor had been minimal, giving Caitlyn an edge as Lionel was only vaguely aware of her true potential.

Lionel brushed off his pants. “While this is cute that you came to save him, I don’t have time for you.”

Without a second thought, Lionel levitated a large old piece of machinery forgotten about in the corner, hurling it at the blonde with as much force as he could muster. Caitlyn raised her hand, stopping the ancient technology dead in its tracks. Declan was not sure that even he himself would be able to stop that with the force Lionel was able to put behind it.

Lionel clapped his hands slowly, making his way over to the woman. “Impressive. Declan told me you were talented.”

“Oh, trust me when I say I am more than talented.” She responded, walking towards him confidently.

“He trained you well. You could be of service to us, you know.”

She scoffed. “And tell me, of what benefit would that be to me exactly?”

Declan understood what she was doing and used this opportunity to begin building up some of the defensive blocks he had back up. It was considerably harder than normal, his attack weakening him significantly.

“We are greater than the Trust will ever be. We will save this world. Humans are destroying themselves and the Trust is just sitting idly by, letting the humans fight their wars, letting each other starve to death, and polluting the entire planet. We have the ability to do something about it, something good. We can restore order once again.”

“By taking it all over.”

He finally was able to put an initial barricade in place, and he knew that Lionel felt the connection between himself and Declan lost. Lionel glared between to the two of them.

“I can see I am wasting my time with you. The both of you are disposable enough.”

“Disposable? Afraid not, Lionel. I am your worst nightmare.”

With a flick, Caitlyn threw objects at Lionel from every conceivable direction, Lionel able to quickly prevent the attack. She glanced over briefly at Declan. He realized that she was still distracting Lionel in order for him to get his defenses fully up.

Caitlyn pounded him time and again, with Lionel slowly backing in retreat. Both their faces were covered in sweat, her attacks keeping him on the defensive. Finally, Lionel yelled, “Enough!”

He turned to where Declan was standing. “I want you dead, not her.”

He sent a blast Declan’s way. Declan braced to take the impact, knowing he would never have enough time to block. And that was when he felt Caitlyn jump in front of him, ready to take the killing blow.

Chapter 25

Caitlyn shoved Declan out of the way, deflecting the hit that was meant to murder Declan. The foundation of the building shook with the blast going directly through a column, weakening the structure significantly. Lionel was advancing towards her, the sneer on his face as sinister as ever. She needed to do something desperate. She needed to time everything just right, or else Declan and her would both end up dead.

Caitlyn closed her eyes, letting the world fall away from her. There was only Copyright 2016 - 2024