Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,75

the Trust’s recruiting area. You forget Henry, that it is my job to study very closely the recruiting lines, and if they were to relinquish Illinois, the balance would be tilted in your favor. Unless the Trust had readily offered it, I was never going to agree to that term.”


Caitlyn noticed that Declan squeezed his folded hands together. Monroe turned his attention to Sierra, who had kept quiet. “Sierra, since Henry obviously cannot respect my role, perhaps you would like to explain to him the guidelines surrounding an arbitration?”

Sierra just shot Henry a severe look and Henry, while still defiant, pressed his lips shut.

Monroe gave an audible sigh. “As I was saying, since the Trust will not be giving up Illinois, they have offered as an alternative to open up International talks in regards to setting up open Cine Tofa recruiting areas.”

Caitlyn could tell that this caught Sierra by surprise. Derrick had explained to Caitlyn that this was something that they had been pushing for in their Treaty agreements, but the Trust would never budge. He explained that the Tribunal actually approved for this to be an offer as they were going to use it as a negotiating piece in the future and the Trust deemed it inevitable anyways.

Monroe continued. “I’ll set up the time and place for the talks. They will be held in Europe, and I’ll advise both parties with ample time, of time and place so you may prepare. The Cine Tofa, in return, will agree to release both prisoners immediately into the hands of the Trust. If the prisoners’ are in anyway irreparably harmed, then the terms of this arbitration are henceforth null and void. Are these terms acceptable to both parties?”

Derrick nodded. “Yes, the terms are acceptable.”

Sierra did likewise. “Yes.”

Monroe placed his notes into his attaché case, clicking it shut. “Good. I’ll be drafting up the agreement to be signed shortly and then I can thereby announce that the arbitration is officially over. We shall break and then reconvene in one-hour time to sign the final documents. Agreed?”


They all stood. Declan smiled at Caitlyn as they walked out the door, Caitlyn distracted with thoughts of the night before. When they were not within hearing distance of the Cine Tofa, he turned to her concerned. “What’s wrong?”

She could not very well tell him what was bothering her. “I guess I somehow expected a bit more drama.”

Declan laughed. “Caitlyn, trust me, there will be drama in the future. There is always drama with the Cine Tofa. They must have been having an off day.”

Chapter 20

Declan just wanted to shut off his mind at the moment from the world. He felt like he needed a stiff drink. At least he had been with Caitlyn and Derrick and not on his own for this round with the Cine Tofa. It made the proceedings a bit more bearable. Her easy laugh had soothed him when he could feel himself tensing up during some particularly rough spots. It was nice not to be alone in the talks. Declan was pleased that Caitlyn admitted that she learned a lot from the experience. This was different from all the other training they had prior to that point. It shouldn’t have surprised him that she was exceptional at this as well. Her ability to debate her side and push for what she felt was needed, gave her the building blocks that would make her a terrific negotiator.

His father would be proud when he reported back to him on her progress. With the Council’s permission, he would like to make her a permanent fixture with the continuing discussions with the Cine Tofa. Monroe and the others seemed to respect her, if not necessarily like her, and that was a hard feat to accomplish. He knew that most of them thought he was a bastard, with the exception of Monroe.

Declan was settling into his office he hardly ever visited anymore, ready to complete some overdue reports, when he felt the presence of an angry man come crashing through the door. Declan did not even look up from his desk at his unexpected guest. “Garrett,” he stated quietly, “to what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Oh, I think you know.”

Declan ripped his eyes away from the information he was preparing for the Council, the latest Intel that he had gathered from his various contracts within the Cine Tofa and the results of the always tedious treaty discussions. He sighed. He really did not want to talk to anyone Copyright 2016 - 2024