Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,56

technically given him the option if he wanted to return to his old job. They advised him that the choice was his, but if he chose the private sector, then he would be relocated from this town, away from her, and that was something he was not willing to give up at this point.

“It’s a job. It keeps me closer to you, which is all that matters.”

She looked at him pensively, and he could not tell what she was thinking at the moment, which frustrated him. Did she want him closer? Her answer did not clarify things. “I think you should do what you think is best for you, not me. I do not want to be the reason for holding you back.”

“Held back?” The laugh that fell from his lips could not be prevented. “Caitlyn, being an Inquisitor is not being held back by any stretch of the imagination. Most Actuals would love to have my abilities and an Inquisitor is a very high-ranking position. They have even promoted me as a result of you. I had my security level clearance increased to a three.”

“Oh.” Was the only reply that fell from her lips.

He cupped her face. “Besides…if I am with you, I could never be held back.” It was the closest thing Garrett could do for a declaration of his affections to her.

Caitlyn leaned into his left hand but he felt her pause slightly beneath his touch. “Garrett, why is that you have never taught me subjective telepathy?”

“Caitlyn, I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘Too Much, Too Soon’?”

“But for me it is not. I can handle it. I wish you would give me credit where credit is due.”

“Of course I give you credit where credit is due. I know you are capable of it, but just because you are capable doesn’t mean that you should be taught it yet. I had already passed the Threshold when I began just to study the concepts. I’ve told you a hundred times; the Threshold does not mean the ending to your education.”

“But it does delay it. You study it in between your profession. It does not allow you to solely focus on it and refine it. How can you expect to master as much as possible if you are not given the time to?”

“I mastered them.”

“But most Actuals have not, nor will they ever.”

“Most Actuals do not have the capability that you and I have, Caitlyn. You make it sound as if each Actual is as talented as you are. When are you going to understand that you are the exception, not the rule?”

“And when are you going to understand that the Trust will never achieve its true potential until it lets its members do the same? I guarantee that there are probably Actuals out there who are stronger than they are aware, who have the capability I have, but it just takes them a little longer to learn. We do not have the luxury of time on our side anymore, Garrett.”

Garrett was stunned for a moment. It was amazing that how in just a span of three weeks, she could truly sound like a dedicated member of the Trust. He was not sure exactly how to respond. So, he simply did not. He held her tighter, his mind wandering down various paths as to where this relationship would lead the both of them.

He spent the weekend doing activities with her that was specifically not related to anything having to do with the Trust. They spent Saturday locked in the house, watching the October leaves fall around them, reading a couple of novels and watching movies. Whenever she briefly mentioned something regarding the training, or the Trust, he redirected her thoughts elsewhere or only gave her a brief answer, hoping that it placated her.

He wanted to enjoy Caitlyn just as she was those first couple of weeks he had come to know her. She was relaxed and excited about the world of possibilities that lay in front of her. When he was able to pull her away from the allure of the Trust, he saw a piece of that again from her.

Garrett just hoped that he could keep that piece all for himself.

Chapter 16

Declan was tired. He was more than tired if he was honest with himself. The training with Caitlyn had been going terrific, and Declan could not have been more pleased with it all. The Council was very impressed with the results of their efforts and he Copyright 2016 - 2024