Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,48

house, Michael appeared again, this time to advise that Declan’s father had returned home and that dinner was ready and would be outside in the back garden.

Declan directed Caitlyn down the staircase to the garden. Caitlyn did not know why, but she had butterflies in her stomach. She was going to meet his father in an informal setting. Even though his father was the orchestrator of the change in mentors because he believes her to have so much potential, she wanted Declan’s father to approve of her. After all, the Council and Tribunal would help influence where she could potentially end up.

Her mentor held the door open for her as they strolled into backyard. The wooden long table with benches placed in the center of the circular English garden looked like something out of a countryside magazine. The table was rustic, with place settings that matched the current early autumn flowers in bloom perfectly. The candles that acted as the centerpiece of it all, were lit, and added a soft glow to the twilight that was beginning to surround them. As perfect as it was, the atmosphere was still very inviting and encouraged relaxation.

“This is unbelievable. You grew up here?” Caitlyn was sure that she had uttered that phrase more than once that day.

“Pretty sure.” His eyes danced with merriment before shifting to the door where several figures appeared.

The man that led the group was tan and must have been at least six-three. He wore a confidence about him and his clothes, one who was not even interested in fashion could tell that they were tailored to him. He wore a large smile that bore the same resemblance as Declan’s, reaching even the man’s obviously tired eyes. She recognized him as Councilman McPherson, but his appearance seemed less intimidating now, more welcoming and inviting in a different environment.

“Hello, Caitlyn.” The man stated warmly. His voice was smooth and immediately put her at ease. “I am glad that we get to meet again under happier circumstances. I must say that it is a delight to see you.” He extended his hand.

“It is so nice to see you as well outside the atmosphere of the Council. Declan talks very highly of you.” She replied taking his hand and shaking it firmly. “You have a beautiful home.”

“Thank you and I mean it when I say that I hope you always feel comfortable here. Caitlyn, the man next to me is a good friend of the family and Declan’s mentor, Lionel.”

The man Jonathan McPherson pointed to was shorter than Declan and his father, but something about the way he carried himself made Caitlyn know that this was not a man to be taken lightly. He was well built, with a smile that came easily to his lips. Lionel took Caitlyn’s hand, raising it to his lips and planting a small kiss on it. “Enchanted. We never get to meet Declan’s lady friends.”

Declan rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but chuckle. “Caitlyn please ignore the old man. He is getting senile in his old age. Lionel, this is not a lady friend, just my new student and hopefully friend as you well know.”

Lionel stepped up to Declan. “Old man, eh? Last time I checked, I could still beat you in a duel.”

“Not by much.” With that, Declan gave the man a bear hug.

The lone woman that had entered in with the group, coughed deliberately. She looked at Declan’s father pointedly.

The Councilman had enough sense to rectify his error. “I’m sorry; this woman is Michael’s wife and Caleb’s mother, Andrea.”

Andrea handed her son the bowl of pasta she was holding and shook her hand. “It’s wonderful to meet you. Any friend of Declan’s is a friend of ours.”

“Thank you all for your warm greeting.” She inhaled deeply. “That smells wonderful.”

Caitlyn saw Andrea beam with just the tiniest bit of pride. “Thanks. I hope you like fettuccine.”

Declan’s eyes widened in delight. It took everything to have Caitlyn not laugh out loud. “Andrea, did you make your fettuccine alfredo?”

“If I recall, it was your favorite as a kid.” She reached up and ruffled his hair lovingly.

He ducked away from her, grinning. “You know it was.” He turned to Caitlyn. “Andrea is the most amazing cook. I need to remember to come and visit more often if you are going to keep cooking for me.”

His father, gesturing his arm for everyone to sit down to the table, heartily agreed. “Yes, you do. I know we are both very busy Copyright 2016 - 2024