Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,44

figure moving from one of ease to one of an imposing figure. “Garrett Stevens, I am asking you to remember your place and quickly within this organization. Your placement can always be re-discussed.”

Caitlyn was not sure exactly what that insinuated, but whatever that meant, it quickly put Garrett in his place. He clenched his jaw tightly. Caitlyn figured that this would be the best time to interject. “Excuse me Councilmen, but I am feeling a little confused from this whole exchange. I understand that you want me to continue to pursue my training.”

She paused for a brief moment. Caitlyn hated the idea of being separated from Garrett as her mentor. He had been extremely supportive during her Awakening and now that they had just announced their feelings for one another, they were going to be separated. Underneath the anxiety of that notion, there was an undercurrent of excitement at the prospect that someone was going to be teaching her more about what she was capable of, what she really might be able to accomplish. The guilt she felt as she squashed down that fleeting thought unnerved her. She looked at the men in front of her.

“Who is it that will be taking over my mentorship and will I be able to remain here?”

Garrett was angered at the first question, but she could see that he was curious about the second.

Riley meaningfully glanced at Garrett for the briefest of moments before answering. “Councilmen McPherson’s son, Declan, will become your mentor from this point forward. As to where you will be training, that will be up to Declan and yourself. You have the training facilities here, but there are other training facilities elsewhere as well. We will let the both of you discuss that. Declan normally resides in Boston, but has agreed to move up here temporarily if you should wish it.”

Caitlyn knew she wanted to stay here as long as Garrett was here. She was comfortable with Trish and the others she had met, and her heart wretched at the idea of being away from Garrett. They were just beginning to explore their relationship, and to be pulled away so quickly would end the relationship before they had a chance to really begin.

Garrett spoke up. “Since I obviously have no say in the matter, can I at least ask when will the change in mentorship take place?”

“It is effective immediately, but we would still like you to try to teach her projectile telepathy at a period that would be convenient to Caitlyn and Declan. It is the one ability that Declan is not skilled in.” Councilman Riley looked sympathetically at the both of them. “Caitlyn, I know this is a shock to you but we truly on have your best interests at heart. We have some things that we need to discuss with Garrett at this time in private. I promise, should you decide to train elsewhere, you will have your time to say goodbye to Garrett. But for now, we have arranged for you to meet with your new mentor today. The official training will not begin for a week, but as stated before, the mentor change is effective today. We feel that everyone needs time to adjust to this change and for you to develop your relationship with your new mentor. The relationship, as you should now well understand, is a relationship based in trust, and that trust cannot be built in mere minutes.”

Caitlyn smiled at Garrett in her most encouraging manner. She had never seen him more miserable in her life. “Thank you Councilmen. I appreciate all the opportunities you have given me. I would like to take this time to have it noted that I cannot picture someone providing a better mentorship than what Garrett has provided me. Without him, I would not have had the confidence to perform so well, and I would not have advanced as far as I have.”

“Thank you, Caitlyn. I can assure you, Garrett’s mentorship of you will only reflect positively on him. We appreciate what he has done for the Trust and you. But now, I must ask you to leave the way you came in. I’ve sent for Katie. She will show you to the room where Declan is waiting for you.”

Caitlyn looked at Garrett one last time. She was sure this was not goodbye, but her heart pulled at how his shoulders slumped, the defeated expression he wore. She wanted to run over there and console him, let him Copyright 2016 - 2024