Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,4

as she opened the apartment door. Her friend frowned as he took in her appearance. “You don’t look so hot. Are you okay?”

“Well, good morning to you too.” She took the cup of coffee that Garrett pushed in front of her, drinking in the hot liquid gratefully. It warmed her insides briefly. “I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night is all.”

Garrett’s eyes rose. Caitlyn could clearly tell that he did not believe her but did not try to push further. “So today is your last day…”

“My last day. I can’t believe it is here.”

“So, have you finally decided where you are going?”

She was ashamed to admit it, but she had not given it much thought since she met the recruiter a little over two weeks ago. Sure, she thought about it now and again as she had packed, but could not decide on a place that was alluring to her. “No. I suppose I will just have to get on the first flight and take it from there.”

Garrett grinned. “I was counting on that. Well, I have an idea. You have no limitations, right? You have your passport?”

“Of course I do. No limitations.” She failed miserably in attempting to appear excited as she cast her eyes downward towards the floor. The room had begun to spin, the crisp lines of the room blurring, and she blinked hard, trying to get through what appeared to be vertigo. Caitlyn knew she could push through this. After all, she always did in the past.

She heard Garrett continuing the conversation in the background. “Well, why not let fate decide?”

Caitlyn looked up, surprised. “What do you mean?”

“Come back to my apartment and you’ll see. Besides, based on how fine you appear to be feeling, it’s probably best if we make breakfast there.”

She did have to admit that being on a comfortable couch sounded much more alluring than being in a restaurant or sitting on an old diner bench.

Within minutes, they had hopped into his car and traveled through the college campus. She took in the sites of the familiar buildings, knowing they would be a faint memory soon enough. The old side streets led away from the campus and soon gave way to the big house that was made of old brick with ivy travelling attractively up the side. Caitlyn was envious when comparing it to her tiny place.

“I still can’t believe you live here.”

“Well remember, I did get stuck with the third floor.”

She scoffed. “More like lucked out. It is the only apartment on that floor and it is huge.”

It was her third time entering the apartment, and she was still enamored with it. The apartment was warm and comfortable, filled with rich tones and beautiful hardwood floors. Not what she expected for an apartment that was so close to the college. She was used to second hand mismatched furniture and decorations that consisted of posters and empty drink containers.

“I still haven’t asked you, how did you find this place? I love the traditional architecture.”

He shrugged. “I wish I could take credit. But the company already owned the building and had it furnished. All I had to do was move in. Honestly, my taste is a little more modern.”

The company. Caitlyn had been surprised to learn that he was not actually military, but instead a recruiter for one of the largest computer manufacturing firms in the world, Trust Corporation. From what Caitlyn gathered, he was recruiting recent and soon to be graduates for open positions. Caitlyn figured he would not have difficulty with that task, as Trust Corporation was one of the most renowned technology firms in the country; most college students would give an arm to get their foot even in the door for that company. Trust Corporation was known for being very exclusive.

“So what are we doing here? Besides breakfast I mean.”

Garrett pointed to a large globe standing on a pedestal in the corner of the room. Caitlyn immediately understood. Before she could respond, another bout of nausea overtook her. She turned away quickly from her friend, bending over. As much as she tried to make it look discreet and hide it, she could not completely, and he placed his arm on her shoulder to steady her.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Maybe you should wait a few days to leave. I know your lease is up, but you can always stay here. I can sleep on the couch.”

She stayed bent for a minute before standing back up to look at Copyright 2016 - 2024