Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,37

introduce to a few dozen people?”

“Of course not.”

The next two hours were a blur to Caitlyn. Between the politicians, the Councilmen, and the high ranking Actuals, Caitlyn felt as if she had been put through the ringer with the many questions she had been asked. Caitlyn was never a wallflower by any means, but the amount of questions that had been fired at her would leave the most social butterfly longing for a moment by herself.

Garrett seemed to understand how she felt as she was again subjected to another line of questioning, this time by an older woman who was part of some sort of Trust committee. “Need a moment?”


Garrett looked at the woman apologetically. “Mrs. Overton, please forgive me for interrupting, but I hope you will understand if I take this young woman away for a few minutes for a breath of fresh air?”

Garrett grabbed her hand, leading her away. “Let’s get out of here, shall we?”

Chapter 10

As Garrett led them down the old wooden walkway that led to the beach, he could not help admiring Caitlyn holding her heels in her hand, sighing as her bare feet touched the soft sand.

It was chaotic at the annual Trust Gala to say the least. He couldn’t help but be impressed at the way that Caitlyn presented herself. He was already sure that many of the Trust’s most important people had a positive outlook on her and were already considering vying for her for multiple positions.

Still, he wondered if this might be overwhelming to her considering her sister passed away less than two weeks ago. He thought that maybe he was rash in bringing her to an event such as this. She had been so insistent on returning back to training so quickly that he could not help but think that maybe this might afford her an opportunity to take a break from it all, even if it was just for a couple more days until they returned back to Maine. But now, he wasn’t sure which would have been more taxing on her, this event or continuing the training at the insane pace that she set for herself.

“So much better.” She breathed softly, smiling up at him.

“Are you alright? It was a lot to take in back there.”

Looking out at the night, she responded. “I’m fine. Really.”

She took a few steps forward before accidently stumbling on a small piece of driftwood. Garrett caught her, her body securely in his arms. It seemed like eternity as he found himself getting lost in those brown eyes of hers, when he found the strength to straighten the both of them up before letting her go. He cleared his throat.

The past few months had been building up to this. He was attracted to her from the first time he laid eyes on her in that bar, dancing with her friends. He had pushed it aside immediately, flirting with countless women. The flirting was an attempt to stave off the inevitable, letting it fester underneath the surface, until it became impossible to deny the feelings he had for her. He knew now that he could not hold off a moment longer. It was time. As much as he had tried all evening, he could not get his mind off the enticing way her body clung to the lines of the dress, the way she felt in his arms just now.

Isla had pulled him aside earlier that evening in part to discuss the exact nature of the relationship between Garrett and Caitlyn. It was her job to know everything that was associated with the Trust, even relationships. She had wanted to find out exactly what was occurring between the two of them, surprised when Garrett indicated nothing. As his friend, she indicated that he better act on his feelings fast before others tried to pursue her. And with the way she looked this evening, he knew that wouldn’t be long. He was positive that several males had amorous thoughts about her; he did not need to be telepathic to know that. He wanted to let her know how much he cared for her and hoped that she would return the sentiment.

The moon cast a soft glow on the beach, the light catching the waves as they crashed in upon the shore. Garrett closed his eyes, listening as the sounds of the ocean overtook him and soothed him as the waves had done so many times before. Those moments allowed him tranquility; the tranquility he so often Copyright 2016 - 2024