Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,3

to the beach. Caitlyn knew her friends were having difficulty believing that nothing of a romantic nature was occurring between Garrett and her. She couldn’t really blame them for making assumptions. After all, when a handsome guy shows up, starts spending copious amounts of time with their friend, even attending their graduation ceremony to cheer said friend on, it is natural to think that there is something going on. But true to Garrett Stevens’ word, he had not attempted anything outside the bounds of friendship.

The friendship was a comfortable one, and different from her other relationships. While she had always gotten along well with men, she had gravitated towards the girls in her inner circle to keep as close confidants throughout her college years. The entrance of this blond haired recruiter changed all of that and she found herself opening up to him in ways that she had only opened up to Nora, her closest friend.

Garrett always seemed intuitively to understand how she felt. He understood when she talked about her desire to be something more than she was. Her new friend had also admitted that he had felt very much the same way as she had only a few years back about needing to do something more with his life. It was that very feeling that helped prompt him to make the radical changes he needed to make to his life.

It was nice knowing that she was not alone. She had even opened up about her illness, and how for the past few months she had been feeling sicker as the days passed. When she described the many futile visits to the doctors, who despite the many tests, all stated that she was in good health, Garrett never once even insinuated that perhaps she was a hypochondriac. On the contrary, Garrett had taken a keen interest in her illness, and unlike her physicians, did not think that she was exaggerating.

He asked her questions about how she was feeling, if she was tired, even how her vision was. She was so grateful that he did not laugh when she described him as being somewhat blurry to her. Instead, Garrett wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug and assured her that she would probably be good as new soon. Something in Garrett’s voice made her believe that, she wanted to believe that.

Before Caitlyn knew it, one by one, she had said goodbye to Shannon, then Rachael, and then finally, Nora. All of them had said their farewells with promises to keep in touch, promises to remain friends. Each had advised her separately to keep her heart open to the possibility of love. She did not need them to elaborate that they were referring to a certain blond that had recently entered her life.

The night before she left, she sat in the middle of the bare apartment, surrounded only by her duffle bag, backpack, sleeping bag, and half-empty container of Chinese food. The emptiness of the apartment bothered her tremendously. There were so many happy memories here and after tomorrow, she would never return here. She would never arrive home to hear the three girls blasting music way too loud, or giggling about some inside joke.

It had been difficult to fall asleep that night; she tossed and turned, finally succumbing to a fitful sleep around two am.

When Caitlyn opened her eyes to greet the day, she knew something was off. Very off. She shivered, snuggling deeper into the too thin sleeping bag trying desperately to get warm. The meteorologist had predicted that it was going to be a picture perfect eighty-two degree day. Her body reacted as if it were ten degrees inside the apartment.

Caitlyn considered staying in bed for a while longer. Maybe if she just rested a little more… No. She determined. She had promised Garrett that she would see him one last time, and besides, Caitlyn was not going to let her illness dictate her life on today of all days. It was too important and she had waited so long. She earned this.

Finally wrestling out of the sleeping bag, Caitlyn slowly prepared for the day, savoring one last hot shower in her apartment, relishing the heat that enveloped her. She rubbed her arms for warmth as she dressed, mourning the fact that she had already packed all of her sweaters, instead choosing to throw on the only long sleeve shirt that she had.

“Good Morning, Kit Kat.” Garrett greeted her by the nickname he had given her Copyright 2016 - 2024