Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,28

to hone her skills and have her take advantage of that natural instinct. He had another meeting with Councilman Riley to discuss the next steps to be taken with Caitlyn. The Councilman was impressed as always with her advancement and wanted her to take the Threshold as soon as possible. It was something that Garrett would need to discuss with Caitlyn; the Threshold should only be taken when one was ready, and even though today had proven yet again that she was close to being prepared, he did not want to rush his student into anything.

More so, he was not sure himself if he was ready to lose her mentorship so quickly. He would always be her mentor, but the day to day contact would be limited as the Trust would without doubt want to evaluate her and use her as they best saw fit. He already knew what they wanted from him.

As they left the car and Garrett walked Caitlyn to the front door as was customary for them, he was surprised to find Trish waiting by the door as if anticipating their arrival. She gave a meaningful glance at Garrett before turning her attentions to Caitlyn.

“I’ve got some bad news for Caitlyn. Can you stay? She is going to need someone.”

Garrett knew that this was not going to be pretty. “Yes, of course I can.”

Trish rubbed her hands nervously. Caitlyn, oblivious to the internal conversation between them, waved in greeting as she approached the concierge. Garrett knew that Trish was a mother hen and took Caitlyn especially under her wing. He was grateful for that. Trish was a valuable person to have in your corner if needed. She may look all motherly on the outside, but she was a fearsome thing if one ever crossed her path.

She led Caitlyn to the porch swing. “Sweetheart, I have got some bad news.”

Caitlyn’s voice constricted just the slightest. “What is it, Trish?”

“Honey, we found out that your sister, well, she passed away today.” Caitlyn stared at her for a full minute without saying a word. “Sugar, did you hear me?”

Garrett could not believe how quickly Caitlyn’s eyes went dead before him. She stood, her movements at best mechanical. “I heard you. I just I can’t believe that.”

“Sweetie, it’s true.”

He was sure that Caitlyn’s accusing gaze pierced through her. “How would you know? Why would you know? There would be no reason for the Trust to be privy to that information.”

Trish touched her arm. “We make it our business to know. All students need instruction and caring. We pay attention to things such as their families and friends to help prevent any distractions. Especially with one as special as yourself.”

Caitlyn shrugged her off, a bitter laugh escaping her lips. “As special as myself. If you really knew me, you would have discovered that I was nothing special. Nothing special at all.”

“We disagree.”

Garrett could not help but be shocked at Caitlyn’s reaction. Before meeting Caitlyn the first time, he had completed his research of her family and background as required by the Trust. Caitlyn’s life had been fairly normal until her mid teenage years. When her mother died, everything was fine until she turned rebellious for a year or so before settling down and becoming an A student. Her sister had been struck by a car, which Garrett had assumed had acted as a catalyst for Caitlyn’s better performance. But he couldn’t account for this sudden behavior; the coldness was something that he would not have anticipated. She was normally so warm, a feature that he had come to cherish.

He asked the next question when it became apparent Caitlyn was not going to continue the conversation further. “How did she pass away?”

Caitlyn stared out of the porch to the field. Her jaw clenched, and Garrett knew she was listening. Trish glanced quickly at Caitlyn and then to him, clearly concerned from her reaction.

“From our report, she had a blood clot that dislodged itself. She died this morning at ten am.”

“Any word on funeral arrangements?”

“Our sources say it is being planned for Tuesday. I’ve already set up flight arrangements for Caitlyn and you to be there on Monday. The flight is open ended, so you can return whenever you are ready to.”

Garrett glanced at the concierge. “Thank you.”

Trish nodded in acknowledgement, frowning worriedly at Caitlyn before turning back into the house to resume what tasks she had been working on before.

Quietly, without saying another word, Garrett walked over to Caitlyn and reached out from Copyright 2016 - 2024