Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,14

this work, not have him hit on her.

“Okay, now before we begin, I need to let you know that you need to trust me, okay? Just listen to everything I say.”

“I trust you, Garrett.”

He pursed his lips. He did not know what he had done to earn her trust so easily. She stared back into his eyes with the same equal intensity that he had hers. This would not do. “Okay, first thing I need you to do is to close your eyes.” She closed her eyes slowly.

With a soothing voice, he continued. “Now take a deep breath. Breathe in, Breathe out. You want to be relaxed, open up your mind. Breathe in, breathe out.” He listened to her intakes of air intently, after a few moments, he could see her visibly relax, the breathing becoming more consistent and calm. “Good, good. Now I am going to place my hands on your shoulders.”

Garrett pressed his palms to her shoulders lightly, his fingers touching the base of her neck. Garrett took a moment to take a deep breath of his own before shutting his eyes. He found himself in a familiar place and Caitlyn was next to him, standing, eyes still shut.

“Open your eyes, Caitlyn.”

She fluttered them open. He noticed her eyes getting wide as she took in the environment surrounding her. She did a three hundred and sixty degree turn, looking at everything around her. She gasped. “Where are we? It’s daylight!”

Garrett chuckled. “Well, technically, we are still sitting on the beach sand, face to face. However, I’ve invited you to a place I come to often while meditating. This is called Harold’s Pond, on my mother’s property in Colorado.”

Caitlyn walked around, taking in everything in amazement. She crouched down for a moment, caressing the wildflowers gently with her fingers. “You said that we are still on the beach? How is that possible? This is so real!”

“It seems very real. Our minds have amazing capacity for recollection. Notice how you can feel the wind against your skin, the grass under your feet. You can smell the wildflowers and even catch the individual scents of each flower if you wanted to. If you touch the water, it feels wet. All this stems from my memories growing up here, but they are very real to me and anyone else I choose to let see this.”

Caitlyn seemed accepting of the explanation. “You grew up here?”

“From when I was six to sixteen.”

Relaxation visibly took over her then as she enjoyed where she was for the moment. It was the affect he was hoping to have, taking her here. She took his hand gently. “It’s beautiful. No wonder why you want to visit here. It’s so serene. How do you do this?”

Garrett couldn’t help but smirk. “Eager, aren’t we? It’s a little too advanced of a concept at the moment. But I promise, if you show certain traits, we will try to see if you are able to do this later, down the line. But that is for a much later time.”

He wasn’t surprised when Caitlyn was not pleased with the response. Garrett knew she was the kind of person who did not take to defeat easily. It was one of the things that he found he liked most about her. She did not frown for long, however.

“I can see why this is a desirable talent. Most people would love to have an instant getaway for meditation and to think.”

Garrett shook his head. “True. But this-” he said, giving a grand sweep with his hand of the environment surrounding them, “Is not why the talent is desirable. This-” He performed another grand sweep, “is.”

In an instant, they were in a stark bare room with the exception of a long metal table and two chairs next to it. Blackness surrounded both of them. An unknown light source shone down, illuminating the table. Caitlyn stroked the cool stainless steel with her fingers. “Where are we now?”

Garrett paced around the table. It was time for a lesson. “As I mentioned before, projection telepathy is capable from my memories, my thoughts, desires, and even my imagination. People who have this talent all have one thing in common, when they Awaken, they have perfect recall. Meaning-”

“They can remember something perfectly after only seeing it once or reading it once.”

“Right. Anything I see, anything I read, I can bring up.” In an instant, Garrett brought up what looked like ten large screens hanging in a circular pattern mid-air, playing various memories Copyright 2016 - 2024