Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,118

about to tell you is highly confidential. Is that clear?”

She stood a little straighter. “Absolutely. May I ask what is going on?”

The Councilman leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. “We captured Lionel a little less than an hour ago and I need to get to our Utah facility as quickly as possible to assess the situation.”

“Of course, I will bring you there. Will Declan be meeting us?”

“No.” Jonathan paused. “Caitlyn, he is not to know until I can verify that Lionel truly is contained for myself. Declan…” he struggled to find the right words.

Caitlyn looked at him with understanding in her eyes. “Declan would go after him immediately if he knew. And if Lionel still has his abilities, then Declan could get hurt. But aren’t you putting yourself in just as much danger?”

“Better me than him. Besides, I know Lionel better than even Declan does.”

He could tell that she was conflicted about keeping this a secret from his son. He admired that about her; it was a shame that Declan did not pursue her romantically. She would have been an ideal companion for him, just as Declan’s mother was for him. “Okay. I’ve never been to the Utah facility, so you are going to need to describe it to me to make sure we land where you would like us to.”

“Certainly.” Jonathan began going into detail, with Caitlyn asking questions here and there to get a better sense of where she was transporting. He was impressed with her questions, they were very specific and he could tell that she had been studying the different facility layouts within the Trust that were available at her security clearance.

After a few minutes of questioning, she stopped. “I think I got it. Now, I am going to hold on to your arm. Try and clear your mind as much as possible, because it makes it easier for me to transport. We will be there in no time.”

Jonathan did as he was told and he felt Caitlyn’s hand grab onto his bicep. His muscles tensed, unsure what to expect during transportation. His body then shifted; it was as if he were free. Before he could consciously think another thought, his body grounded. He was standing outside of the Utah facility. The Descendant glanced briefly over at the girl.

“Pretty cool, huh?” His mode of transportation joked.

Jonathan couldn’t keep the awe out of his voice and for the first time, he was jealous of his son and of her. “Once word gets out about your ability, you are going to have every Councilman and Descendant asking for your assistance.”

She smiled but shook her head. “No thanks. I would rather not be a glorified taxi cab driver.”

A voice interrupted before he could respond. “So this is how you got here! I was wondering how the hell you were getting from Salem to Utah in less than an hour.”

Jonathan and Caitlyn turned to see a large figure stride over to them purposefully, a lit cigarette hanging from his lips. Jonathan turned to the well-built man. “Kent. Good to see you again. Caitlyn, may I introduce Kent DiMartino. Kent, this is Caitlyn Young.”

Kent took a deep drag of his cigarette before throwing it to the ground. “Caitlyn, that is one mighty nice talent you got there.”

“Thank you.”

“So I take it you are ready to see the bastard, Jonathan?” Kent looked at him expectantly.

Jonathan clenched his jaw. “I would say that I am more than ready at this point.”

Kent turned and began to walk towards the building. “Very good. Follow me then.” He reached for the door and paused, looking straight at Declan’s student. “Come inside, but come no further than the inside of the door. I would prefer if he did not know you were here.”

Caitlyn looked at him surprised. “Why?”

“Jonathan and the Tribunal filled me in on the report of what happened several weeks ago when they sent me on this mission. I would imagine that he is fairly pissed at you and Declan at the moment.”

They walked inside and she did as she was asked, standing just to the side, not moving any further. Then Jonathan and Kent walked through a second pair of double doors that led to the containment facility. While he was only vaguely familiar with the layout, Kent walked around it with complete expertise having been here many times. The facility was dark and uninviting intentionally, and Jonathan was glad that he did not have a lot of occasion to come here.

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