Awakening Book One of the Trust Series - By J. E. Swift Page 0,102

session was unheard of. “Excuse me?”

“You are going to be given specific directions this evening, which you will follow to the exact letter over the next several weeks under a complete shroud of secrecy. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

“The meeting will take place in two hours’ time, just enough time for the delegates of the foreign Council and the Tribunal members to get here. I expect that during that time you will pack. Pack lightly, but smartly. You will be leaving as soon as the orders are completed.”

“What about Caitlyn?”

“What about her?” His father’s voice held surprise.

Declan sighed. That was a question he really had not meant to have voiced out loud. He pushed down his thoughts and replied, “Well, what about her training? It’s almost complete. I’ve barely spoken to her at all.”

“We are making other arrangements.”

“Such as?”

Declan knew the answer before his father said it. He had just hoped he was wrong. “Since Garrett is returning tomorrow… well, you and Councilman Riley wanted him to try and teach her projectile telepathy. Now is as good a time as any. Unless you have objections?”

Jonathan eyed him as he emptied his glass. Declan had a lot of different objections. He still felt that Garrett should not be trusted, no matter how much faith the Tribunal gave him. He felt that after seeing Caitlyn and how hurt she was by the betrayal, she should not be subjected to him. But most of all, he simply did not want the rival for her affections anywhere near her, even if Garrett may have had her first. But those were not valid reasons in his father’s eyes. “No objections.”

He nodded. “Good. It will be of the most benefit to Caitlyn while you are away. I will make arrangements and will make sure that Garrett is debriefed. I suggest that you begin to get ready.”

Declan’s mouth dried up. He stood to leave, knowing his father was done. He needed to speak with Caitlyn at some point this evening, even if it was just for a few moments.

Four hours later, Declan emerged from the Tribunal meeting with a heavy heart and a sense of foreboding. In a span of two hours, the world can change dramatically, the perspective of what needs to be a priority can alter significantly. Declan’s first order of business per the Tribunal was to go to North Dakota. Instead, he found himself transporting outside Caitlyn’s door.

Declan stared at the shut door, alone, trying to sort out the feelings he had been holding at bay for the past two weeks for Caitlyn. And now, when any rational man would be fighting for her attentions, he was practically sending her into the arms of his rival. He could do this. He needed to do this. Declan reached out to Caitlyn in his head. “Are you available? I need to talk.”

Caitlyn’s response came quickly. “Yes. I am at my apartment.”

Declan closed his eyes for a brief moment and transported inside. Caitlyn was sitting on her couch, legs criss-crossed, with a magazine in hand, skimming through the pages. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, looking comfortable in sweats and a tee-shirt. Declan thought that she was breath taking. She stood when she saw him.

Declan strode over and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. He was glad when she returned his embrace. He allowed himself just to stand there for a minute, enjoying the moment before it faded. He whispered into her hair, “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. But where the hell have you been? You practically disappeared without a trace. I know the past couple of weeks have been crazy, but seriously? You can teleport! Don’t tell me you could not have stopped by for even an hour, a minute, a second for God’s sake.”

He pulled away from her. She was right of course. He should have stopped by, talked about what had occurred between the both of them. Instead, he hid behind the pretense of being so incredibly busy that he did not have time. Declan corrected himself. He was busy, busier than any sane person should have been, but it still did not mean that he could not have stopped in. “I didn’t know what to say.”

“You didn’t know what to say? Really? Is that all you’ve got?”

“What do you want me to do?”

Caitlyn tugged at her hair frustratingly. “How about talk about what passed between us? You sound as if you suddenly regret it.”

“I don’t regret it. In Copyright 2016 - 2024