Awakened (Shadow Guild Hades & Persephone #2) - Linsey Hall Page 0,47

had meant letting the darkness take control and do unforgivable things.

Instead, I focused on Hades. I spun back to look for him, searching the crashing sea.

A half second later, he shot up from the depths, his golden wings carrying him high into the air. His gaze landed on me, and he swooped down, gripping me around the waist and hauling me up.

I clung to his neck as he flew low to the ground, heading toward the portal that would take us back to his realm. His face was set in lines of determination, and the wind blew fiercely as we hurtled through the air.

We reached the portal just as Poseidon broke free of my weeds. He rode toward us on a massive wave, but Hades plowed through the portal to his realm, bringing me with him.

I clung to him as the ether spun us through space and spat us out. The familiar scent of the underworld enveloped me, brimstone and fire strangely welcoming despite the dreary light that shrouded everything in gray.

Hades landed at a run, not letting me go as he sprinted toward the gates to his realm.

“You can put me down!” I shouted.

“Not safe yet.” He launched himself into the air to fly toward the gate.

From the other side of the gate, Cerberus watched us, concern in his eyes. He stiffened and growled low in his throat.

I looked back, spotting Poseidon hurtling through the portal and into the Underworld. He looked out of place with his gleaming silver-blue armor and the water that surged around his feet.

“He can come here?” Shock lanced me.

Hades didn’t respond, just flew faster toward the gate.

We were nearly there when Poseidon shot several sharp jets of water toward us. They flew like spears, and two of them pierced Hades in the back.

He grunted, nearly dropping me, but tightened his grip as he flew through the gates. I searched his face, horrified to see it twisted in lines of pain, his skin pale.

I looked back and spotted Poseidon standing on the far side of the gates, staring into Hades’ realm. Cerberus lunged at him, all three heads barking, and Poseidon disappeared back through the portal.

Hades stumbled to his knees as he landed, and as his arms loosened, I tumbled to the ground. His wings disappeared as I cupped his face and raised his head to force him to meet my gaze.

“Are you all right?” I looked around to see his armor torn open as if a spear had punctured him. Through the holes in his metal, I could see jagged flesh and red blood. Horror chilled me. “Hades! Your back.”

“It will heal.” His voice was rough with pain. “Just needs time.”

Cerberus lumbered toward us, then sat on his haunches near Hades and watched him with concern.

“How long will it take?” I asked. “Can I do anything?”

“I’m fine.” He grimaced and struggled to stand, rising until he towered over me.

I climbed to my feet. “What was that all about?”

“The other gods do not want me to succeed, so they take every opportunity they can to stop me.”

Understanding dawned. “Poseidon was stronger out there because we were by the sea.”

“Precisely. And he was able to walk in the neutral zone near the River Styx.”

I turned back to the gate, inspecting it warily. “But he couldn’t enter your realm. Not like Zeus could.”

“If he really wanted to, he could. But he’d be weakened. And he doesn't like Cerberus.”

“Doesn’t like Cerberus?” I dropped my jaw in mock shock. “The monster.”

A rare smile tugged at the corner of Hades’ mouth. “A monster.”

“Where can we go to rest? You look like you need it.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re really not. And I could use a break as well.”

He nodded stiffly. “There is a guard tower near here. It is generally unused, so it should be empty.”

I held up my hand to gesture forward. “Lead the way.”

He nodded and turned, striding through the forest back toward the gate. Cerberus gave a low woof and jumped up, following alongside. I stole glances at the enormous dog. He was both adorable and terrifying. When I caught sight of Echo riding on one of his heads, I adjusted my assessment more toward adorable.

“Here.” Hades stopped in front of a stone tower that was built right into the massive wall surrounding his realm. It rose three stories tall, with the entrance on the second story. A set of narrow wooden stairs led to the door. He climbed them, and I followed. At the top, he pushed open the Copyright 2016 - 2024