Awakened (Shadow Guild Hades & Persephone #2) - Linsey Hall Page 0,31

want to make it habitable.”

“You’re planning to stay?” The most awful hope flickered inside my chest.

The truth flickered on her face. No.

“Of course you’re not.” I directed my magic toward another plant, killing it instantly.

“Stop!” Anger flared on her face, flushing her pale skin with pink.

Memories of her attacking Lucifer flashed in my mind. Her anger propelled her magic.

Perhaps I could accomplish two goals in one. Return hell to the way it should be and get her to advance in her magic. Her anger would make her practice, and it would be the darker side of her power that would grow. All I had to do was inflame her.

Soon, she would be strong enough to survive visiting the Place of Memories and help me seek the answers I needed.

So I killed another plant, staring at her the entire time. “Well?”

“You bastard.” Her eyes flared green, so bright and fierce that she looked like the goddess I knew her to be.

She raised her hands, her magic flaring on the air. The scent of flowers and the feel of a breeze rushed over me. Her hair whipped back from her face, and her power swirled around me. There were only a few plants left in garden, but they surged to life, growing four times their size in seconds.

Their leaves grew long, the stems shooting outward toward me.


She reached for me, directing the plants my way. I pulled back on my magic, letting them come to me. Wanting to feel them around me.



Rage bubbled within me, hot and fierce. Hades stood in front of me, powerful and strong in his dark armor. His hair whipped back from his face, his cloak billowing behind him.

“How dare you tear up my garden?” I demanded.

“I dare anything. I’m the king of Hell.”

I growled, feeding more of my magic into the plants. They grew tall and strong, their stems and leaves reaching toward Hades, wrapping around his limbs.


Satisfaction surged inside me. My power was strong.


I could feel it at the back of my consciousness, the knowledge that the magic I used came from the worst parts of my soul—those that were inflamed by greed and power and strength. I sensed it all, surging through me on waves of glorious power. I’d never felt so invincible before. As if I could do anything I wanted. Have anything I wanted.

The vines tightened around Hades’ limbs, the glossy green surfaces covering his dark armor.

He stood there, letting it happen.

A warning bell sounded from the back of my mind, so faint I almost didn't hear it.

Why was he just standing there?

I was powerful, true. But my magic was nothing compared to his.

Did he want me to be doing this?

The darkness surged inside me, the yawning hunger for power and control. It didn’t care why I was doing this, just that I was.

Because Hades wanted me to.

He was egging me on, enraging me so that my magic would flare. The darker part of my magic.

I drew in a shuddery breath, anger surging through me.


Not more anger. It would only feed the evil.

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm my mind, but it didn’t work. The rage still bubbled inside me like a coating of oil beneath my skin.

Echo. I called on the bat with my mind, closing my eyes. I couldn’t look at Hades right now. Just the sight of him pissed me off.

But Echo would help me.

Finally, I felt the faint touch of the bat on my shoulder. He weighed no more than an apple. I drew strength from him. Calm.

When I opened my eyes, the vines were receding from Hades’ limbs. He frowned.

“I know what you’re trying to do,” I said. “I won’t fall for it.”

“So clever,” he murmured, striding toward me. The wind whipped his cloak back, and his eyes gleamed with respect.

“Don’t come any closer.” I held out my hands to ward him off.

Echo launched himself off my shoulder and dive-bombed Hades, then darted away.

Hades ignored the little bat and stopped. “You’re getting stronger.”

I was. What had just happened…

It had felt like a tsunami of power surging through me. It’d been nearly overwhelming.

I am a goddess.

“I need to go.” I hurried around him, hoping he would let me pass. My pockets were still full of sprigs I could plant elsewhere, and I’d see to it that he didn't find them. I’d seed his entire world with my power. Not just to make it beautiful, but to give myself the upper hand.

At the garden gate, I could Copyright 2016 - 2024