Awakened (Shadow Guild Hades & Persephone #2) - Linsey Hall Page 0,3

move in.

A second later, I slipped out the door and into the underworld. From where I stood at the top of the library steps, it sprawled out in front of me. It was midday here, the sky a murky gray. The sun never shone. I still didn’t know if there even was a sun.

Once again, I was struck by how his home was a dark shadow of my own. Like Guild City, a massive wall surrounded the town, but this city was built on top of a mountain. On the other side of the circular wall, the world fell away, becoming flat plains, forests, oceans, and lakes.

Yet all of it was so dark. So devoid of life.

It didn’t stop it from being incredible.

From here, it felt like I stood on top of the world. The library was higher than everything else in the city except the castle at the other end of the avenue that cut through the town.

The buildings were ornate structures of black stone and glass. The stone itself was carved in swoops and swirls, while the glass gleamed like water. If I could lose myself amongst those buildings, it would buy me even more time.

I couldn’t help but peek back over my shoulder, spotting Hades still standing in the middle of the library.

He was perfectly still, head bowed, dark hair flowing longer than it had been last time. His broad shoulders curved inward slightly, and his hands clenched at his sides.

Did he think it was a false alarm?

Was it disappointment I saw on him?

No way. And even if it was, it wasn't like he was disappointed not to see me. Whatever we’d shared had been about him trying to use me for his own purposes, not because he cared about me.

I turned and ran, sprinting silently down the stairs toward the main street. Thank fates Eve had stashed the bags in the ether. I’d never be this quick or quiet if I had to carry them myself.

As I ran, I couldn’t help but delight in the strength of my body, my swiftness. I’d never considered myself exceptionally quick or strong, but after the pomegranate curse, it felt amazing.

Fortunately, the night wolves were nowhere to be seen. The Children of Cerberus would definitely be able to smell me, and I didn’t need their attention, even though I was fairly certain they wouldn’t hurt me.

A few moments later, I reached the street and darted toward the back alleys. I’d never been anywhere but the main avenue that stretched between the library and his fortress, but I didn’t want to be out in the open when the potion wore off.

The alley was dark and narrow, but thankfully, empty. I hurried deeper into the city, finding a quiet little alcove to hide in. I pressed myself into it and leaned against the wall, panting.

I’d been planning this for days, but my mind had been so fogged by pain that it had been hard to come up with a concrete scheme. I had no idea how to get a cure, but maybe the apothecary would know. Not only did she have the skills, but she was my only ally in this whole place.

If I could just get to her cottage behind the castle, I’d have a chance.

I slipped away from the alcove and made my way through the city. As I cut through the narrow streets and alleys, I didn’t see anyone. It was difficult to determine the correct direction, but occasionally, I glimpsed the castle towers above the roof lines of the houses.

I’d only gone a short way when a tiny black bat swooped down in front of me.

“Echo!” I whispered, delighted.

The tiny bat had become my friend last time I’d been here. Maybe even my familiar. He’d certainly been a huge help.

From up ahead, he spun around and fluttered back toward me, his tiny face as cute as a mouse’s. He landed on my shoulder for the briefest second, and it felt like a hug. Warmth flared through me.

“Can you lead me to the castle?” I whispered. “The quickest way.”

Echo launched himself off my shoulder and fluttered down the street. I ran to catch up, trying to keep my breathing quiet as it grew ragged.

The little bat swooped around turns and flew low to the ground. Soon, we’d reached the fortress. I pressed myself against a building wall and looked up at the enormous structure. It was a terrifying, hulking thing, yet strangely beautiful.

Just like Hades.

And I was here to Copyright 2016 - 2024