The Avery Shaw Experiment - By Kelly Oram Page 0,19

my boyfriend, and yes, I did almost die, actually. That’s why I missed calculus today. I had to go take a pill and have a major freak out in the guidance office.”

“Seriously, Aves? You had to go to the office?”

Libby looked over my shoulder at the new voice. I didn’t need her bugged-out eyes and squeak of excitement to tell me who was behind me sounding so concerned.

Before I could ask Grayson what he was doing at science club, he grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me over as if searching for signs of distress. “You okay?”

“Yes. I keep special medication in the nurse’s office for emergencies, so I’m okay now.”

Grayson’s face fell. “You had an episode?”

“It wasn’t too bad. There were just so many people staring and whispering after lunch.”

“I’m sorry. That was all my fault.” Grayson crushed me to his chest. “I knew I shouldn’t have made a scene like that, but Aiden was being such a jerk, and I totally lost my temper. Forgive me?”

I carefully untangled myself from Grayson’s grip. My face was flaming from his attention. I knew all of science club was watching us. That may have only been four other people besides me, but they were pretty much the only four friends I had. I was sure they thought I was crazy by now.

“What are you doing here?” I finally asked.

Grayson shrugged. “Detention,” he said and then smirked. “Got a lot of texts after lunch today. Did you know that you’re my girlfriend?”

I ignored that comment and said, “You’re taking Mr. Walden’s class?”

“Failing his class, actually,”


Grayson gave me a sheepish smile. “Physics isn’t my best subject. Bombed the final.”

“Bombed is a good word for it,” Mr. Walden said, walking into the room with a fresh mug of coffee.

“Do your parents know?” I asked.

“Yeah. They got the report card right before break. That wasn’t so bad. It’s Coach that was pissed. I’m benched until I can get my grade up.”

“You can’t play basketball? But you’re a senior. If you don’t play the rest of this season will you still be eligible to play for Utah Valley next year?”

“School policy.” Grayson ran a hand through his hair like he was really stressed out but then looked at me, startled. “How’d you know I want to go to UVU next year?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve practically lived at your house my entire life. I know where you want to go to college.”

“I have no idea where you want to go to college,” Grayson said, frowning.

“That’s not very surprising.”

Grayson’s frown grew even bigger. “Where do you want to go to college?”

“I’ll tell you if you agree to let me help you with your physics grade.”

“You mean like tutoring?”

“Sort of.” It was my turn to smile at him for a change. I’d just gotten the most brilliant idea. I looked over at Mr. Walden, who was watching us from his desk with a surly expression. I suspect the only reason he didn’t have Grayson doing extra homework yet was that Grayson was talking to me, and Mr. Walden loved me.

“Hey, Mr. Walden?”

Mr. Walden’s eyes narrowed, but he must have been listening to our conversation, because he looked very curious. “Is it important, Avery? Science club is waiting for you, and Mr. Kennedy has a date with some trigonometric functions.”

Grayson winced, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at him.

“I assume Aiden spoke to you about quitting science club?”

Mr. Walden sighed. “He did. It’s a real shame.”

“Did he tell you that he wouldn’t be doing the science fair with me, either?”

“Aiden wouldn’t be so irresponsible as to quit on you with such short notice. Everyone else is already paired.”

I pushed back the urge to cry again. “I’m on my own.”

“That is so disappointing. I’m sorry. I’ll have to speak with him.”

“That’s okay, Mr. Walden. I do have a project in mind, and I was just wondering . . . well, I need a partner, and Grayson could use some extra credit.”

Mr. Walden blinked. So did Grayson. “You want me to do a science project with you?”

Grayson sounded comically horrified, but even more hilarious was the disbelief in Mr. Walden’s tone. “You want Grayson to be your partner?”

I gave them both a look. “You haven’t heard the project yet. It was Grayson’s idea to begin with.”

“Mine?” Grayson sounded startled.

“Yes, yours. And you’re already doing it anyway. Sort of. Remember your experiment in the cafeteria this afternoon? My project is sort of like that.” I handed Copyright 2016 - 2024