Avenging Us - Gina Whitney Page 0,16

just short of the doorway, adjusting my painful erection. A few different scenarios played through my mind. None of which I chose. Her lilt voice a beacon. My cock a missile aiming directly for her. Fuck it. Let the chips fall. It’s my fucking house.

She sat on the center island in a white sundress, her belly round, and her feet hung, dangling below. Chance sipped wine on a high-back chair across from her at the bar while Michael and Jessie continued preparing dinner. I was a few strides into the kitchen when she finally noticed me. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open—her face now beautifully pink. I closed the gap between us and took no time seizing her lips. She responded immediately, leaning into me with a breathless sigh. The world fell away, leaving just the two of us…and my music in the background.

The sensations were almost indescribable and impossible to resist. Our scars, pasts, and sorrows ignited me. I literally picked her up off the island and held her steady against my mouth until I felt her limbs melt midair. Did I stop? Fuck no. Suspended midair, my tongue penetrated and devoured her mouth. Her small hand reached up and around my neck and filled me with the need to consume her mouth, her entire body—penetrating her, turning her inside and out. The hunger fed my cock until it thickened. I needed her naked—now. Skin to skin. And our limbs entwined until we were both panting for air.

Until the noise and hustle of the outside world drew me back.

“Well, fuck me sideways if that wasn’t a proper hello,” Chance said, taking a long sip of his wine. The other two remained silent and continued cooking. “I need a cold shower after my already cold shower. Jesus fuck.” He grabbed the chilled bottle of wine out of the decanter and left the kitchen in a huff.

“I’ve missed you, Beauty.” I kissed her cheek softly before putting her down, my hand gently caressing the swell of her stomach. It used to freak me out feeling a foot, elbow, or arm. However, now it was one of the highlights of my day.

Anyone could plainly see the pregnancy was taking a toll on her. Her feet and hands were severely swollen. I loved her fuller face and lips. Her lush body was a bonus. I never took the time to ogle a pregnant chick. Why would I? But now that my girl was pregnant…there was nothing more sexy-beautiful.

She ran her fingers through my hair and pulled me in for another heart-breaking kiss. This time, I was breathless. “I missed you more. And guess what?” she asked, leading me outside to the pool deck where a beautiful table for two sat waiting.

“What?” I pulled her chair out.

She sat and her white sundress draped snugly across her baby-bump. “We’re going to have a beautiful life, Abel.”

“Yes.” It was the only word I could utter because her smile nearly undid me. See, this was the shit I was talking about. All those feelings that I welcomed and overwhelmed me all at once.

The sky darkened and moon edged out the sun. I loved dusk. My favorite part of the day. Maybe because it’s the sexiest part of any day. The combination of the view of LA and the warmth of fragrant blooms had a mesmerizing and relaxing effect.

Michael and Jessie plated a delicious Tagliatelle Bolognese—my favorite—and I loved that she took the liberty of telling them. I was hoping she’d take more of a role around the house. See it as hers…ours, and not solely mine. I dug in with gusto and listened as she tantalized me with all her stories of the day. I could listen to her go on for hours, and never have the heart to stop her. However, my only request would be that she sat on my lap and faced me while doing so. And perfect timing. They were bringing dessert out.

“Tiramisu?” I confirmed and beckoned her into my lap with the crook of my finger. I pushed back from the table, making room for her lovely bump. As she gathered the material in her hands, I helped her on to my lap.

“Will you always be such a caveman or will I be able to eat in my own seat at some point?” she asked with her sassy eye-roll.

I bit back a laugh and decided to tease her further. “But then I wouldn’t be able to do this…” I leaned

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