Autumn's Bane - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,82

have something I need to tell you,” Herne said.

“What’s up?” I asked, sitting back down.

“Angel, as I mentioned to Ember, I found DeWayne’s whereabouts.” A fanciful smile played over Herne’s face.

“Where?” Angel asked.

Herne ignored her question, continuing on. “I found out where he was staying and I paid him a visit. You were right. He had a lot of notes, trying to find out where you lived so he could spy on you. And he had somehow managed to pull the records of a half-dozen hospitals around the area, from the year DJ was born. He was trying to find out whether your mother had a boy or girl.”

Angel shuddered, looking stricken. “Oh no. Then he might have already—”

“Relax. As I said, I found out where DeWayne was staying and he won’t be bothering you again. I took him for a little walk and somehow, he landed over in Annwn, under the care of a good friend of mine.”

She blinked. “What?”

“DeWayne’s going to be working in Annwn, helping build a road through Y’Bain. I doubt you’ll ever hear from him again, especially considering he has no clue of how he got over there—and probably no clue of where he is. I spiked his drink with a sleeping powder, and he was asleep when I took him through the portal. He’s staying with Hoka, my friend who owns a contracting company. They’re currently forging a trail through Y’Bain, as I said, and DeWayne’s going to be…working…for him. He’ll be well-treated, fed, and given a living wage, but I left strict orders that he’s never to return through the portals.”

I blinked. Herne followed his father’s footsteps when it came to taking care of undesirable people. Throw them in a dungeon, kidnap them into a work force…but then again, they were gods, and it seemed better than letting DeWayne go on leeching off innocent women. He’d have a decent life. He’d just have to work for it.

“Well,” Angel said after a moment. “I’m… Thank you. I don’t know what to say. I sure wasn’t expecting to hear that.” She looked pensive. “Herne, I didn’t want him in my life, but he won’t be harmed, will he?”

“Not unless he does something stupid like provoke a fight. Hoka’s a good boss…and he will do his best to bring out DeWayne’s positive side. We send a lot of troubled youth to him in Annwn, and he takes them in, shapes them up, and they leave as productive members of society. DeWayne may be older, but you have to figure there was something decent that your mother saw in him. Hoka will do his best to bring out that side.”

Herne stood. “Now, to work, ladies. Ember, can you bring me the files on the MacCarris case? I think that you last had them.” Angel smirked, but Herne waved her off. “No, it’s not like that. I really do need to go over the files, so keep your mind out of our sex life, woman.”

“Sure thing,” Angel said, still laughing. “But just in case, I’ll knock before I enter.”

That night Angel and I arrived home at the same time. As we headed for the house, the sky began to cloud over. I glanced up, shading my eyes from the still bright light.

“Looks like we might have a bit of a storm coming up.” I closed my eyes, reaching out. I could feel the rain droplets surrounding us, the moisture growing in the air. But they weren’t ready to break loose. Soon, I thought, but not quite yet.

“Rain coming?” Angel asked.

I nodded. “Rain, and more thunder and lightning. I can feel the crackle in the air. The ozone is playing havoc with my senses.” Ever since I had stepped up my magical practice with Marilee, I had become more aware of storms and the energies inherent within them. She said I had a natural bent for weather magic, and though I hadn’t tried much of it yet, I could feel my connections growing when the clouds brought lightning with them.

“Have you ever tried to summon a storm?” Angel asked, pausing with me as I stared up at the clouds.

“Not in so many words, but yes, I’ve dabbled just a little in it. I wonder…it’s been awhile since I’ve tried.” I gazed at the rolling clouds overhead. My skin was jumping, tingling as though little shocks of electricity were running through me, tickling me from the inside out.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” Angel asked, breaking through my Copyright 2016 - 2024