Autumn's Bane - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,69

nodded. “I have a feeling that eventually Herne wants to move you into more of an investigative position, while letting Rafé take over your job. While he has the advantage of strength, you have the advantage of your empathic abilities, and coupling that with the magic you’re learning, you’ll be a lot of help.”

“I never believed I’d be saying this, because the thought scared me shitless last year, but I think I’m going to enjoy that. I don’t like facing down ghosts or other critters but I have to admit, it’s nice feeling like I can contribute more than just typing up reports or making appointments.” She popped a handful of chips into her mouth. “Yum, fat and salt. I’m PMSing horribly.”

“I don’t envy you that.” Among the side effects of the herbal birth control that Ferosyn had given me was the fact that my periods were much lighter and lasted only a couple days. The herbal concoction I took once a month also reduced PMS to where it was almost nonexistent. I wondered if it would work for Angel. She couldn’t take the pill due to nasty side effects, so she had to rely on other methods with Rafé. “What if I ask Ferosyn if the Monthly-Eeze that he gives me would work for you?”

“Hey, if it won’t hurt, I’m willing to try it.” She glanced out the window. “I think Herne’s here.”

“Nine-fifteen, right on the dot. That will give us time to get downtown, park, and meet Eldris. I wish to hell that I could take something to protect me against vampire glamour. I hate being attracted to someone whom…I’m not attracted to, if you know what I mean. It feels all date-rapey, to be honest. And I’m sure the vampires make full use of that with people they’re attracted to.”

“That’s a question I wondered about. If they use their glamour to lure someone in, is that considered rape under the law?” Angel asked.

“I think one of the women’s rights groups is spearheading a proposed law about just that. Right now, it’s only if they go for blood. The United Coalition still leans heavily in favor of men, but I know several groups are working to change that too.” I stood as the doorbell rang. “Okay, I’m off. Don’t wait up. I don’t know how late we’ll be.” As I headed for the door, Angel followed. She saw me off, and then shut the door behind her.

Herne kissed me, then looked me up and down. “That’s a good look on you. I like the leather corset,” he said, his eyes shining.

I could tell he was turned on, and I grinned. “You want me to wear it more often?”

“Only if it’s comfortable,” he said, but the gleam in his eye said otherwise. He opened the door for me and I slid into his SUV. Yutani was sitting in the back seat, staring at his tablet. Both of them were wearing black leather jackets, dark jeans, and no-nonsense button-down shirts with ties.

I pointed to Yutani’s tie. “Going for formal, are we?”

“Yeah. The regent makes Eldris look like a schoolboy. Unfortunately, from what I’ve been able to read about Dormant Reins, he’s a hard nut to crack. And he prefers dealing with men over women.”

Frowning, I shrugged. “Par for the course. I assume he’ll have bodyguards there?”

“No doubt. And possibly, his wife.”

As Herne turned on the ignition, Yutani brought up a picture. “Here she is.” He handed the tablet over the back seat to me.

I glanced at the image. Beneath the photo was a caption that read: emelia reins, wife of dormant reins. The woman in the picture was striking. Her glamour came through the photo loud and clear. She wasn’t what I would call classically beautiful. If anything, she was more along the lines of what they used to call a “handsome woman” rather than pretty. Tall, with a smooth retro-flapper haircut that would now be called a euro bob cut, her hair was smooth and black and precisely razored so every strand seemed to be in place. Her eyes were wide and eyeliner made them wider, and her bowed lips were colored with a matte black lipstick. She wasn’t curvy, but instead looked more athletic. She was wearing a long dress, red and black with a sequined diamond pattern.

“She reminds me of the ‘it’ girl from the old glamour girls of the early cinema days.” I handed the tablet back to Yutani. “She’s a vampire too, I gather?”

He nodded. Copyright 2016 - 2024