Autumn's Bane - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,36

need to go home, take a bath, and eat cookies. Or something along those lines. I’d come with you, but I have to wrap up business here.”

I nodded, turning to Angel, who had just finished stowing her gear. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and joined us, taking one look at my face before turning to Herne.

“What happened? Did you two have an argument?”

He shook his head. “No, Ember’s just exhausted. As are we all. Tired, frazzled, and ready for bed.”

At that moment, Viktor, Talia, Charlie, and Yutani joined us. Talia looked chipper, but then, she had been able to hide in her car. Viktor and Yutani looked about as banged up as I felt.

“Raven and Kipa took off,” Viktor said. “She asked me to let you know they’re headed back to the Eastside.”

“Thanks,” Herne said. “I wish Kipa could have stuck around but hey, given the spells I saw Raven throwing over by the mausoleum, she must be exhausted.”

“I missed that,” I said. “I was so focused on my own little corner of the fight.”

“I think we were all focused on saving our own skins while taking out the vrykos,” Viktor said with a faint grin. “Raven put on quite a show. She must have got three of them with fireballs and this time, the creatures didn’t walk out of the flames.”

“What about the van that sped off with the rest of the vrykos?” Yutani asked. “Was that Aso and Variance I saw?”

“One of the cops caught the license plate. There’s an APB out on them, though we’ve instructed anybody who sees the van to follow at a distance and not make themselves known. We just want to know where they’re going. Right now, anybody who tried to stop that van would get mowed down.” Herne let out a sigh. “All right. Tomorrow morning, I mediate a truce between Saílle and Névé. Then I’ll be at the mayor’s office for a press conference at nine.”

“Do you need us at the office?” Talia glanced at the calendar on her phone.

I yawned, suddenly so tired I could barely remember my name. “Please don’t ask us to come in at eight. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to the breakfast table by then.”

“Sleep in. But we have a lot of work to do so yes, tomorrow’s another work day. Everyone, meet at the office around eleven. But watch the press conference at home. That way I won’t have to go over it again. And Happy Lughnasadh. I’m sorry it wasn’t the evening we had planned.” Herne glanced around at everyone. “All right, get moving.” He pulled me to him and pressed his lips against mine.

I melted into his kiss, feeling ready to pass out in his arms. His lips were warm against mine, taking the chill off the rain that streamed down around us. A crash of lightning split the sky, followed by a low roll of thunder almost directly on top of it, and I reluctantly pulled away.

“We should get moving. Lightning is too close and might decide to hit one of the trees here in the park,” I whispered.

“I’ll take my chances,” Herne murmured, kissing me again.

I wanted nothing more than to just drift along with him, letting the world spin on by. But after a few seconds, he let go.

“Go home, my love. Bathe and sleep. Rest easy. We’ll manage through this. Though the world seems like it’s on fire, we’ll navigate through the flames. I promise you that.” His voice was soothing, and I took a deep breath, letting it filter out between my teeth.

“I love you, so very much,” I whispered.

“I love you, too.” He patted me on the ass. “Go home now. Angel, drive safely. The roads are probably slick due to the hail.”

“What hail?” she asked as we began to walk toward our car.

At that moment, the skies opened up and a sheet of hail descended, pounding the pavement around us, bouncing like pebbles on the rain-soaked surface.

“That hail!” Herne called back, heading to his car with a laugh.

“Smart ass,” I said, but I was too tired to say anything else.

Angel made sure I was bundled in the car and that my seat belt was properly fastened before sliding into the driver’s seat and locking the doors. She turned on the ignition and, as the car idled for a moment, she fumbled in the glovebox in front of me. She came out with two Caramel-Crunch bars, handing one to me.

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