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need to know what he’s up to. Report him to the authorities. Buy property out from under him. Find ways to make them hurt. We need business people to help destroy their financial interests.”

“I think you’ve been watching too many movies, young lady,” Emma said.

“Maybe, but she’s right.” Donner stood up. “And we can move in that direction. I’m sure we can get the right people in place. Is this what we want to do?”

Rory stared up at Donner, holding his gaze with confidence. “I want to hear what Isla has to say.”

“So do I. Then we can take a vote.”

“Isla is going to agree,” Alana said. “We’ve been talking about this.”

“Good to know.” Donner only laughed as he went up to talk to the older hind.

Isla got behind fighting the wolves one hundred percent. In fact, she’d been the one to give Alana her phrase fight claw with claw. The vote was unanimous. The wolves would not be blackmailing them.

Donner called Martin to fill him in. “We refuse to let another wolf leader bully us into something we don’t want,” Donner said into his phone. He spun around in his office chair to face the back wall. He’d hung a family portrait there. He and Rory were holding each of their twins. This decision would impact them all. It weighed heavy on his heart, but he had to try to do the right thing—the best thing. The backing of his herd made it a bit easier.

“Donner. I think you should take a little more time to think about all this.”

“What? Are you saying we should give in?”

“I told Brayton you would be reasonable.”

“Fuck! Damn you, Martin. I thought you understood our side.”

“I do. Donner, you have to understand. There’s more at stake here. The deer and others are on the brink of extinction. We don’t want that. The wolves are powerful. They have the numbers—”

“We’ll see.”

“It’s business. Brayton doesn’t give a shit about wiping out others. He only cares about money.”

“For the wolves.” He got the picture. He might have to withdraw from the council, but not yet. He needed the contacts and the inside information. They needed to be smarter—like his kids—if they wanted to end this mutocide.

“Donner...” Martin sighed. “If you’re not going to agree to Brayton’s request, I’m pulling the security from your property.”

Good riddance! He hated having guns on his lands. “I understand.”

“Do you?”

“Yes.” Donner had already called some of his business contacts to set their plans in motion. He wanted Martin’s men gone before they set up security, which he’d scheduled to arrive in the next few hours. They weren’t wasting time. “Go ahead and tell them to leave. We’re fine.”

“This is a mistake. Donner,” Martin pleaded. He had helped Donner to set the whole thing up with Brayton. He’d been privy to Brayton’s plan. He had lied, or at least left out important aspects of the truth and could no longer be trusted.

Donner turned his chair and looked up to see Rory standing in the doorway. He nodded his approval.

“Thanks for all your help, Martin,” Donner said into the phone. “We’ll take it from here.” He tapped the phone to end the call and noticed a text.

From Vulture.

A sunshine face.

One threat was gone. Donner would have to live with it. He had called for Pritchard’s death. The assassination was a cold thing, not like fighting in the field—hooves against fangs. But for his family, Donner would do anything.

He was thankful for his beautiful herd, though. Mabon and the time for feasting was over. They had a lot to do to prepare for the coming months.

Also from Lynn Michaels

Sometimes Demons Whisper: WCPC Paranormal Consultants #1

A Frostbite Christmas: eXtasy Stocking Stuffer

Red Run Rescue: Winter Magic Anthology

Red Run Rut: Spring Fever Anthology

Our Own Story

About the Lynn Michaels

Lynn Michaels lives and writes in Tampa, Florida where the sun is hot and the Sangria is cold. When she’s not writing she’s kayaking, hanging with her husband, or reading by the pool. Lynn writes Male/Male romance because she believes everyone deserves a happy ending and the dynamics of male characters can be intriguing, vulnerable, and exciting. She has both contemporary and paranormal titles and has been writing since 2014. Her stories don’t follow any set guidelines or ideas, but come from her heart and contain love in many forms.

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Say Yes


Deja Black

A wolf with trust issues who’s afraid of saying yes to wedded bliss and a goblin who wants to Copyright 2016 - 2024