Autumn Feast - Charlie Richards Page 0,30

mating with Andrei was her birthright. Good thing Andrei didn’t agree. He’d have been miserable as hell. I’ve never seen him happier than when he’s with you.”

“But...” Kirill pinched the bridge of his nose. “I thought she encouraged Andrei to be true to himself.”

Louis snorted. “Yeah, right. You see how she went overboard with the Harvest Festival? She had two folders prepared for her mating ceremony and wedding with Andrei before he ever set foot in Paw’s Cove.”

“Crazy.” Kirill sighed. “And now I have to stay and plan this shindig all alone because she took off. Fuck.” He glanced around him, watching all those people who relied on him. He was the fucking alpha mate. He couldn’t let them down.

Louis cleared his throat. “Are you sure the men should stack the pumpkins so messily? Maybe if we...” Louis trailed off, blushing harder when Kirill looked at him. “What?”

“Louis, my man, you just got yourself a promotion. You’re now my personal assistant.” Ignoring Louis’ panicked expression, Kirill slapped his beefy shoulder, then grabbed him by his sweater and dragged him toward the stage. “You’re on pumpkin-stacking duty. Make me proud.”

Chapter Four

“Welcome, Desmond.” Andrei reached over his desk and shook the tall man’s hand. “Normally, Kirill would be with me to greet a potential new member, but he’s busy with the planning for the Paw’s Cove Harvest Festival and Feast. The whole town celebrates its founding. And of course it’s harvest season. Pumpkin-spiced everything.” He shrugged.

Desmond grinned as he took a seat. “Sounds like a huge celebration. I’m looking forward to it. After spending over a decade in the city, I’d love a nice and easy party in the country.”

Andrei coughed as he remembered Haley’s big plans. Nothing easy there. He studied Desmond. The grizzly bear shifter stood six three, with wide shoulders and a little extra padding around the middle. His dirty blond hair reached to his collar, and intelligent brown eyes twinkled with a heavy dose of happiness. Andrei had no doubt Desmond, who was forty and divorced, would fit right in. He had an open, easy-going personality.

“I admit I picked Paw’s Cove specifically because of you. Heard about your choice of mate and...” Desmond shrugged.

Arching a brow, Andrei drummed his fingers on his desk. “Phoenix Jones over in Hazel Woods is also mated to a man.”

“True. But he only took over last year.” Desmond floated his flat palm in the air. “Wasn’t sure of him.”

“He’s kinda my brother-in-law and a great guy.” Andrei laughed. He skimmed over the application Desmond had sent a month earlier. “Seeing as Paw’s Cove is in desperate need of a fire chief, and you’d be perfect for the position, I won’t complain ‘cause you chose my clan. Nobody will hassle you for your choice of partner. My mate took great care in weeding out the homophobes.”

Desmond sighed, his shoulders relaxing visibly. “Good to know. My ex was understandably pissed when she found out I prefer the company of men. I gave in to pressure when I was younger, followed my father’s orders. So, any cute single guys in Paw’s Cove?”

Andrei laughed. “Probably. Kirill will know them better than I do because they confide in him. The Harvest Festival will be a great opportunity to get to know someone. As soon as the beer flows, inhibitions lower, and one or more guys might be inclined to... explore.”

“I’m actually looking for something serious instead of a man who wants a walk on the wild side.” Desmond hummed. “I’ll find him. My mom said it was like lightning struck her when she met my father. A gut feeling.”

“Well—excuse me.” Andrei grabbed his cell and swiped over the display. He had a message from Kirill. “My mate,” he explained as he opened the message.

A speech? You’re a dead man, Bazin. When I come home, you better wait for me with your ass lubed and up in the air.

Andrei swallowed around the sudden lump in his throat. His ears felt hot, and he quickly reached up and scratched one. Andrei had totally blocked out that particular conversation with Haley. He wriggled in his chair.

“Bad news?” Desmond asked. “Do you need to leave?”

“Uh.” Clearing his throat, Andrei placed his cell on the desk. “Nah. Just... Kirill teasing me. He found out about a surprise.”

Desmond grinned, looking too smug for Andrei’s liking. He jumped when the door was pushed open so hard it smashed against the wall and repelled. Desmond growled. “Excuse me, lady? This is a private conversation.”

Andrei stood. “Haley, Copyright 2016 - 2024