Autumn The City Page 0,82

wait somewhere near to the track. As soon as the transport appears again, follow it at a safe distance and find the base. Simple.

Back inside, Emma was waiting for him. 'Okay?' she asked as he closed the door and took off his boots. He nodded and smiled. 'More of them,' he said as he walked towards her. She was back in bed. 'When we're ready we'll drive down towards the track and find somewhere to sit and wait for them to come back.' She nodded and threw back the bedcovers, stretching out her arms and gesturing for him to come closer. He lay down with her and held her tightly. The warmth of her body was soothing and relaxing, despite the fact that they were still both fully dressed to protect them against the autumn cold. 'Think this is it?' she asked. 'Might be,' he replied. 'Best chance we've had so far.'

'Think we're doing the right thing?' 'Definitely, don't you?' 'I'm warming to the idea.' 'We've got to try, haven't we? We can't just walk away from these people. Who knows what they might have or what they might be able to tell us?' 'I trust you,' she whispered, pulling him closer. 'I know you wouldn't do anything if you didn't think it was right.' 'I'm not about to take any risks that I don't think are justified,' he explained.

'The only thing I've got left is you. You're my priority. I won't let us take any chances we don't need to.' Emma was about to tell Michael how much she needed him but stopped herself having already told him many times before.

She thought about telling him how being with him had made her hellish life almost bearable at times. She thought about telling him how she wished they could have met when everything had been normal and... She didn't say anything. Instead she just held him.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Croft, Donna, Baxter and the others had slept little. Their lives had become so bleak and helpless that all the sudden talk about actually making a stand and trying to do something positive seemed to finally have forced many of the survivors into taking action. During the long, slow hours of the early morning so far the various rough ideas and half-considered suggestions which had been discussed in the darkness last night had gradually been shaped and formed into something that was beginning to resemble a coherent plan. Those who had volunteered to be directly involved knew that they were about to risk everything but, if they didn't take those risks, they knew that what remained of their lives would hardly be worth living.

At least this way they were giving themselves a chance. If they didn't do anything they'd be spending their last long days and weeks just sitting in worsening squalor and waiting for the end to arrive. Cooper had summed it up when he'd told them earlier that their options were either to sit and wait for the bodies to get inside the building, to slowly starve to death or to risk everything by trying to get away from the city. And with the number of bodies outside still increasing, the probability that their shelter would be breached became more real with each passing hour. Donna was ready to do it. Taking care to keep out of sight she stood in a dark doorway and looked out across the marble-floored reception area towards the glass entrance doors at the front of the building.

No-one ever came out here anymore, and it was obvious why. A thousand dead faces stared back in her direction. She knew that she was too far away and was sufficiently hidden by enough shadow not to be seen and so stayed where she was and looked deep into the mass of poor, pathetic creatures outside. It was a hellish scene. The combined weight of thousands upon thousands of bodies continued to push forward and crush those nearest the front. If many more of the damn things arrive, she decided, it was inevitable that a door or window somewhere would give way. The thought of what might happen was almost too frightening to consider - the building would be filled with an unstoppable torrent of desperate, stumbling cadavers in seconds. Donna already knew that they were doing the right thing by trying to get out.

Looking deep into the rotting crowd just served to make her even more certain. The reception area was dark with Copyright 2016 - 2024