Aurora Blazing - Jessie Mihalik Page 0,9

one-word message in one of the most complex encryption schemes I’d ever seen? Was it a test?

We were nearly to the transport when the sound of shattering glass broke through my distraction. I didn’t have time to look around for the source of the sound before Ian tackled me to the ground and shoved me against the bulk of the transport. He shielded my body with his, completely blocking my view.

I tried to push him aside but it was like trying to move a mountain. “What’s going on?”

“Shots fired at Bright. I need an armored transport now. Team Two, sweep the area,” Ian shouted into his com.

The transport window half a meter over our heads shattered in an explosion of glass.

“Fuck,” Ian growled. “We’re too exposed.”

“I can shoot,” I said. “I have a blaster.”

He shifted enough to meet my gaze. His eyes blazed with icy blue fury. “You will do no such thing,” he said. “You will stay down and let me do my job. I will protect you.”


“No. End of discussion.”

My temper woke, but I was smart enough to follow an order that was meant for my own good. Someone was shooting at me. On Earth, supposedly the safest place in the ’verse. The Royal Consortium Defense Force, or RCDF, was the group tasked with maintaining the peace. They must be having a collective aneurysm right now.

If not now, then they would be when Father brought the fury of House von Hasenberg down on them. As patriarch of one of the three High Houses, Albrecht von Hasenberg was one of the most powerful people in the ’verse. When he wasn’t happy, heads rolled—sometimes literally.

“Am I the only target? Are my brothers and sisters okay?” I asked.

Ian refused to answer, which sent my worry spinning out of control. I mentally reached for the messages flying through the air, trying to find my family’s familiar com signature.

The headache slammed into me with the force of a freighter. I’d overextended myself with the encryption. Black spots danced in my vision, and I had to let the search go or risk passing out. What little food I’d managed to eat soured in my stomach.

“Where is my transport?” Ian yelled. “And where the fuck is RCDF?”

Since I couldn’t answer either question, I figured he must be talking to someone on the other end of his com.

Ian popped his head up to look through the shattered transport window. It took all of my willpower not to drag him back to safety. He ducked back down just as another blaster bolt slammed into the door, centimeters from his head.

“Shooter is in the twenty-story building west of House Chan,” Ian said. “Top third.”

A heavy troop transport settled next to us. The doors opened and fully armored RCDF soldiers streamed out. They hunkered down behind our transport, but no more shots were fired. Perhaps the shooter had fled now that backup had arrived.

“It’s about time,” Ian snarled. He kept a hand on my shoulder so I couldn’t sit up.

“Lady Bianca, are you well?” the soldier closest to me asked.

Only years of strict training kept me from offering my true thoughts on the stupidity of that question. “Catch the shooter and I’ll be better,” I said.

“We’re working on it, my lady,” he said.

“Let’s get you into the transport,” Ian said. “Can you crawl in that dress?”

“I’ll make it work,” I said.

“Stay low,” Ian cautioned, as if he thought I planned to stand and waltz to the vehicle.

I rolled over onto my belly. I tucked my toes, planted my hands, and pushed up just enough for the front of my body to clear the ground. My arms protested but held—barely. I’d only recently started going to the gym again, but I’d rather be shot than admit how out of shape I was to Ian Bishop.

I slid one leg forward, dragging the bottom of my dress up as I did. I reached forward, then pushed off with my leg, like I was climbing a wall. I repeated the motion on the other side and crawled forward on my hands and toes.

My progress was slow but steady. The dress hampered me, and I envied how easily Ian crawled in his tuxedo. To his credit, he didn’t try to rush me, he just kept pace beside me.

When we reached the troop transport, Ian pushed himself up into a crouch then picked me up and swung me into the vehicle in one smooth motion. His easy strength stole my breath, but he took my Copyright 2016 - 2024