Aurora Blazing - Jessie Mihalik Page 0,87

thick stone walls, similar to House von Hasenberg. From what I could see, the interior was as luxurious as a House worth more than some small planets should be. Ada led us up two flights of stairs, to a hallway with doors on both sides.

“Rhys and Veronica are out, but they should be back by the time you’re up. Rhys said to make yourself at home. Marcus and I are here,” she indicated a door on the right, “but the rest of the rooms are available. Help yourself. If you need anything, request it from the suite computer and someone will bring it up.”

I stepped across the hallway and opened the first door. A pretty room in buttercup yellow greeted me and I shrugged. It had a bed, so good enough.

“I need six hours,” I said. I really needed more like eight, but six would have to do. “If you decide we should go the meeting route instead of breaking in, set it up and call me so I get up in time. Otherwise I’ll see you in the morning. Evening. Whatever.” I was too tired to deal with time zones right now.

I moved back to Ada and hugged her close. “Thank you. Be careful.”

“You’re welcome and I will be.”

Ada let go and Loch handed me my bag. “I’ll keep her out of trouble,” he promised.

Ian moved down the hall and opened the door next to mine. “See you all in six hours,” he said. He looked at Loch. “Let me know if you need help.”

Loch inclined his head in agreement. Satisfied, Ian disappeared into his room.

I waved to Ada and Loch, then entered my room for the night and closed the door. I crossed to the bed and dug through my bag until I found the silencer. I clicked it on and moaned in relief. I still felt shaky, but now that I didn’t have to fight the signals for focus, my stomach started to settle.

I put the silencer next to the bed then moved away until the signals came back. I sent Catarina a quick message, then set my com on a dresser outside the silence field. If Ada called, she would be able to get through. That done, I explored the suite.

My room had its own bathroom—a giant, luxurious affair—and a huge walk-in closet. The third door opened upon a view of Ian in a pair of boxer briefs and nothing else.

My brain stuttered to a stop. Tan skin, taut muscles, and a face so handsome, it seemed sculpted. He glanced at me and raised one eyebrow. When he turned my way, I couldn’t help watching the beautiful play of muscles as he moved.

Until I realized he was moving closer and I was staring.

I squeaked, my face flamed in embarrassment, and I slammed the door closed with a shouted, “Sorry!”

Then I promptly banged my head on the door and cursed under my breath for acting like a teenager instead of a grown woman. What was it about him that turned my brain into a pile of stupid?

The door had no lock, so when Ian tried to open it from his side, I silently held the handle and prayed he’d give up. I was not so lucky. “Bianca, let go of the door.” The thick door muffled his voice, but I could still hear him.

“Let me die in peace,” I moaned under my breath.

Somehow, he heard me, and his voice turned amused. “I don’t think embarrassment is terminal.”

“It might be in this case,” I muttered, but I let go of the handle.

He swung the door open and there he was, in all of his near-naked glory. And it was glorious, even better up close than it had been from across the room. I jerked my gaze up to his chin and kept it there. Chins were safe.

I cleared my throat and pulled my tattered dignity around me. “Did you need something, Director Bishop?”

“I would ask you the same, Lady Bianca. What was so urgent that you needed to barge into my room unannounced?” Despite staring resolutely at his chin, I could see the grin hovering around his mouth.

“What makes you think I knew it was your room?” I asked breezily. “I was merely checking the exits.”

He stretched and muscles flexed in my peripheral vision. The grin bloomed, warm and tempting. I wondered how it would feel against my mouth. Soft and gentle or hard and demanding? I shivered and my nipples tightened as desire licked through my belly—and Copyright 2016 - 2024