Aurora Blazing - Jessie Mihalik Page 0,42

battle at a time. “I would say it’s been fun, Rob, but that would be a lie. Spend the bounty wisely.”

Chapter 10

Ian clasped my elbow and led me outside to a waiting transport. When I stopped before stepping inside, Ian demanded, “Get in.”

“I will, on one condition,” I said.


I planted my feet and drew myself up to my full height. These boots weren’t as tall as I would have preferred and Ian towered over me. “Do you think I came to Brava on a whim?” I asked. “Stupid Lady Bianca, wandering into danger for no good reason?”

“I’ve never said you were stupid,” he gritted out.

“You didn’t need to,” I said quietly. “Actions speak louder than words, and your actions tell me exactly what you think of me.”

Something stark flashed across Ian’s face before he smoothed his expression.

“I came here because my best chance of finding Ferdinand is here,” I whispered fiercely, aware we were still in public. But the wind and rain would muffle my voice, and I was not leaving without a fight. “Tell me you’ve found him and I will return home without a peep. Tell me you have a solid lead—and what it is—and I will get in the transport. But if you can’t do that, then promise me that you’ll accompany me to my hotel to pick up the rest of my things and then you’ll hear me out.”

“You’re staying in a hotel,” Ian ground out, “in Brava. Are you insane?”

“It’s in the flower district,” I protested. “And don’t try to change the subject.”

“It’s in Brava,” he snarled.

“Do you have a lead on my brother or not? Because I do.”

“Get in the transport.”

“Your word, first.”

“I will accompany you to your hotel to gather your things,” Ian said.

I’d pushed him as far as he was willing to go for now, so I climbed into the transport without protest. I set the destination before Ian could change his mind. I pulled out my secondary com and prayed for a message from Guskov.

My prayers went unanswered.

It was midevening. There were still plenty of hours left in the day, so I didn’t give up hope yet, but Ian would be far less likely to care about the possibility of a meeting than an actual meeting.

“What were you thinking?” Ian asked.

His tone, a combination of incredulity, impatience, and anger, immediately put me on the defensive. I took a deep breath instead of responding. If I didn’t have myself under control, then once I started, I wasn’t sure I could stop before I said something I would regret.

“I have explained myself. Repeatedly. But I will tell you again: my singular focus is finding my brother.”

Ian ran a hand down his face as if he, too, searched for patience. “Have I ever given you a reason to doubt my loyalty to House von Hasenberg?” When I shook my head, he continued, “Then why do you think I won’t do my job and find your brother?”

I blinked in surprise. “I don’t think that at all. You’re one of the best trackers I know.”

“Then why do you keep insisting on throwing yourself into trouble and splitting my attention?”

I let the spike of anger at his phrasing roll over me like a wave, leaving behind calmer waters. “Just because you are good doesn’t mean you wouldn’t benefit from some help. All of my siblings are searching for Ferdinand in their own way, despite the fact that I’m the best at finding information. I don’t begrudge them the help; I’m happy to have assistance. I told you to let me run. It was your decision to get involved.”

“Unfortunately for you, you are not in charge of House von Hasenberg and therefore are not my boss. When Albrecht tells me to retrieve you, I have to listen, even if it takes me away from my search for Ferdinand.”

“I refuse to be returned to a pretty cage,” I said flatly. “Try it and next time I will do more than sneak out quietly.”

“I’ve already patched the security hole you used to get access to the cameras. There will be no more sneaking out.”

My smile was sharp enough to cut. “You just found the one hole, then? Not holes, plural?”

“Enough, Bianca!”

I stared out at the dark city flowing past the transport’s window. If I couldn’t win Ian to my side, I wasn’t sure what my next move would be. I could shoot him. Rob had returned the blaster with the rest of my gear, but I didn’t have a stun Copyright 2016 - 2024