Aurora Blazing - Jessie Mihalik Page 0,13

what he said when I told him about the attack on you and that Ferdinand was missing? He made a joke about how his lot is improving now that he’s married to the heir. He’s lucky I didn’t punch him in front of all of his so-called friends.”

She took a deep breath and shook her head. “I have every confidence we’ll find Ferdinand, but I wanted you to be prepared, just in case. Please don’t tell anyone else.”

“Does Ferdinand know?”

“Yes, we’ve discussed it.”

“Do you want me to do something about Pierre?” I asked seriously.

She pulled me into a hug. “No, but I appreciate the offer. I’ve got it under control.”

I thought about her words long after she left.

Chapter 4

I’d stayed up late last night looking for any sign of Ferdinand or the attack, but I hadn’t found anything. Ferdinand was scheduled to have a late dinner at a small restaurant in the Yamado quarter and he’d reserved the entire restaurant.

He never made it to the appointment, but interestingly enough, Evelyn Rockhurst had.

So why were the heirs of two warring Houses meeting in secret?

I’d sent Evelyn an obliquely worded message. Despite the late hour, she had quickly responded with a midmorning time and the location of a tea shop squarely in the middle of the Rockhurst quarter. Warring Houses weren’t banned from visiting their enemy’s quarter, but it wasn’t exactly encouraged, either.

If Rockhurst had orchestrated the attack, I would be walking into a trap.

Still, it was my only lead, and I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity. I requested a transport, then set about getting ready. I decided on gray slacks, a black blouse, and a pair of my tallest heels—Evelyn Rockhurst was statuesque and I needed us on an even playing field.

Arming myself would send the wrong message, but going to the meeting defenseless was also a bad idea. I pulled out the heavy silver cuff that concealed the best of House von Hasenberg’s shielding technology. This was the newest prototype—it no longer required a paired necklace to function.

I held the cuff to my identity chip for ten seconds, then clasped it around my left wrist. I felt a tiny prick as the embedded DNA tester sampled my blood. A subtle vibration indicated success. The cuff was now authorized until I unclasped it.

In standby mode, the cuff would hold a charge indefinitely. Once active, it was good for up to two hours or eight close-range shots. I wouldn’t activate it unless it looked like the meeting was a trap.

I left the suite and headed out the private family entrance. My transport was waiting, as was a security detail in a second vehicle. I waved at them and mentally apologized for the ass-chewing Ian was bound to give them once he figured out what I’d done.

I climbed into the transport and programmed in the destination. As the vehicle lifted off, I sank deeper into my public persona. Evelyn was just as shrewd as her mother, Anne, the matriarch of House Rockhurst. I needed to be on my game.

The transport settled outside the tea shop with nearly ten minutes to spare. The shop was bustling, filled with sharp-eyed men and women who were doing a poor job of disguising their true purpose.

And standing between me and the shop was Ian Bishop. His face was a hard mask of anger, and despite his seemingly casual stance, I could see the tension in his body.

With nothing to do but brazen it out, I exited the transport. “Hello, Director Bishop. I suppose half of those patrons are ours?”

His eyes narrowed. His voice came out low and harsh. “I had to scramble to get people here to protect you when they should be out looking for your brother and that’s all you have to say?”

I retreated behind the icy facade of my training, where his words couldn’t cut like blades. “I do not remember asking for your help, Director Bishop. I have the situation well in hand. And stay out of my correspondence.”

I’d sent the message to Evelyn through my normal House account because I hadn’t really thought she would respond. I knew that account was under surveillance, but I had expected Ian to be busy enough with other things to miss the message. I should’ve known better.

“You are not to go anywhere with Lady Evelyn,” Ian said. “Stay in my sight at all times. I have people outside as well. If things go sideways, hit the floor and stay there. I will come to you.”

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