Aurora Blazing - Jessie Mihalik Page 0,107

do it, you should do it right,” I said. He nodded in agreement. “The movements are intentionally slow and controlled. Keep your breathing even and your core engaged. Find your balance.”

I moved through the first three forms, explaining as I went, then I turned to face him. “Follow along and I’ll correct your form.” At first, I gave him verbal corrections, but as he gained confidence in the movements and didn’t need a guide, I touched him, adjusting the angle of his arms, shifting his center of balance.

I was achingly aware of him even as I fought to keep my touch professional. He had balance and strength and a natural grace that was beautiful to watch. It didn’t help that he watched me with smoldering eyes.

We made it through a dozen forms before Aoife announced that we were fifteen minutes out. I bowed to Ian and he returned the gesture.

“Thank you,” he said. “It’s harder than it looks, but I can see how it would be meditative.”

“You’re welcome. I can teach you the rest later, if you’re still interested.” I sank enough emphasis into the phrase that he couldn’t miss the fact that I wasn’t just talking about martial arts lessons.

His expression heated deliciously before he remembered to wipe it clean. “I should go,” he said.

I took a deep breath and decided to be brave. “Wait. Please. Why did you apologize for kissing me before?”

“I already explained.”

“But I don’t understand,” I said softly. “I enjoyed the kiss. I didn’t expect you to propose marriage afterward, if that’s what you were worried about. The Consortium is weird, but we’re not that weird. Hookups happen all the time.”

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I refuse to lead you on when nothing can come of it. You’re so far out of my league, you’re in another universe.”

I laughed bitterly. I couldn’t help it. “I’m damaged goods, a widow accused of killing her husband. You’re out of my league.”

He huffed at me. “You know what I mean.”

I did. Even tainted, I was still a von Hasenberg and some would see that before they saw anything else. I tried a new tactic. “What if I want you to lead me on? Will you think less of me if I don’t plan ten steps ahead and instead decide that I want this little piece of happiness for however long it lasts? Will you deny me that?”

“Bianca, you’re killing me,” he groaned.

“Walk away right now and I won’t bother you again,” I said. “I will respect your decision. We will be professional colleagues and nothing more. Or stay and see where it goes. With me.”

Ian stood frozen and for an endless moment I thought he was going to turn and leave. I held my breath, waiting.

“I’m still here,” he said a few seconds later. I’d expected him to leave, so it hadn’t even registered that he’d stayed.

I edged closer. He stood his ground. I reached for him but stopped before I touched his chest. I met his eyes again, silently asking permission.

He wrapped his hand around mine and pressed it to his chest. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it properly,” he growled. “You can touch me.” A devilish grin tilted the corners of his lips. “And I can return the favor.”

I ran my hand over his firm chest before curling it around the back of his neck. I stepped close enough that his fake belly pressed against me. “If we’re doing this properly, how about a kiss?” I asked. “For luck.”

His arms slid around me gently as he gauged my reaction. When I tucked myself closer to him, his grip tightened. “How about a kiss because I’ve wanted to kiss you for the last hour?”

I leaned into him and pulled his lips down to mine. He buried a hand in my hair and plundered my mouth with lips and tongue. I moaned as goose bumps shivered over my skin, bringing my whole body to instant awareness.

I pressed closer still and slid my tongue into his mouth. He groaned low and the hand on my ass clenched tight. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his hips for balance. He took two steps, his muscles doing delicious things under my arms and legs, before I felt the cool metal of the wall at my back.

He pressed against me then growled in frustration at the lump of fake belly between us. I giggled, tried to stop, and only giggled harder. Copyright 2016 - 2024