The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,94

waist and I focused my attention to the phone call with a small frown. “That’s… a surprise… Why?” I asked out of disbelief. “I mean, not that I don’t want you guys to, because I do! I miss you heaps! Well, you and our parents. No, wait, that didn’t sound very nice. What I meant was-”

Blake cut me off with a laugh, and I felt Adrian’s chest vibrate from a low chuckle behind me. “Smelly, chill! I know what you mean. Mom has been complaining to me that she hasn’t seen you for too long. So, I decided we’d pay you a visit. Sunday, we’ll be there at 4PM. See you then, Smelly Emily!”

I smiled and ended the phone call, before it registered in my mind that Blake couldn’t see me, and I gasped and turned around to Adrian. “I just accidentally hung up in his face!” I exclaimed with wide eyes, feeling panicky.

Adrian smirked down at our close proximity, and I instantly began blushing. “I’m coming over this Sunday,” he informed bluntly as his expression became serious.

Accidentally hanging up on Blake suddenly didn’t seem like such a big deal, and I focused all my attention to my boss with a stern look. “No, you’re not. I have plans that I know you’re trying to interfere with. And just to be clear, Blake is my brother; no one you should be getting all possessive about the way you usually do,” I warned.

“I know that. I’ve read your profile. That still doesn’t change the fact that I’m coming over on Sunday.”

“No you’re not, Adrian!” I hissed, frowning up at him. “This is my family. If you show up, they’ll think there’s something going on between us!”

He studied my expression momentarily before shrugging. “Fine, but you’re moving in with me.”

I groaned. “Adrian! I am not moving in with you. Don’t make me list my reasons again.” I sighed, suddenly feeling tired of re-stating my argument.

“Don’t make me tell you my care factor about people’s opinion’s again,” he glared in response.


“I’ll give you time to think about it,” he cut me off, grudgingly. “Come on, we have a meeting.”

I bit my lip to stop myself from telling him that I didn’t need to think about it, and walked over to my desk, collecting all the necessary paperwork needed for the meeting.

We began to walk out of the office when I felt Adrian bend down so his lips were in line with my ear. “I forgot to tell you how good your ass looks in that pantsuit today. You should wear them more often.” He pulled away and I looked up at him with an expression of disbelief, blushing furiously from his arrogant smirk.

“Shut up,” I mumbled, pushing him away from my body.


Sunday came sooner than I liked, and I found myself checking if everything was properly positioned double, even triple times, before my heart was able to relax slightly. Amy was going to arrive any minute now to calm me down and have dinner with us, and I found myself mentally thanking my best friend once again.

Knowing my parents – my entire apartment would be evaluated to make sure everything was cleaned and positioned to perfection. If there was anything out of place, I’d be forced to move back in with them because I’m ‘incapable’ of living on my own.

“I’M HERE BITCH! Oh shit, are your parents here yet? I SAID WITCH, NOT BITCH – JUST TO CLARIFY!” Amy’s voice echoed through my quiet apartment, making me jump in my position just as she slammed the door shut. I turned to her and rolled my eyes as she held up a bottle of wine and fresh bread rolls. “Have no fear, superwoman is here!” Amy sung out once she scanned the apartment for my family.

I shook my head and grinned at her behaviour before pulling her into a hug. “I owe you big time,” I declared while taking the things out of her hands.

“It’s fine. I’m going to get to tease Blake the entire night anyway; you being related to him is pretty much paying me back.” She winked.

I laughed while taking out the bread rolls. “That wouldn’t have anything to do with your crush on him, will it?” I winked back.

Amy’s eyes went wide and she instantly began to turn tomato red – a trait I loved to see on her. “I do not have a crush on Blake.”

“Yet you react like that every time I bring it up.” I smirked while Copyright 2016 - 2024