The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,86

than work for someone that old and creepy, and Amy was right; they were making me do things that I learned in high school. I was better off somewhere where my qualifications actually mattered.

I cautiously picked up my phone after double checking that everything was locked and decided to type a quick text to Amy:

I’m home, and definitely quitting on Monday.
Creepy Cooper called me and asked me to come in and work with him tomorrow. Alone. Crazy man.
Anyway, thanks for the dinner, it’s at my place next time. Goodnight asshole :D

I sent the text message and picked up the book I was currently reading from the coffee table, before making my way to my room. I threw it on the bed and grabbed a random pair of clean underwear and a baggy shirt from my drawers. I was dying to take a long, relaxing shower before bed, to wash off all the fingerprints of my boss.

Once my skin felt raw from scrubbing, I stepped out of the shower and quickly slipped on my clothes before brushing my hair and making my way back to my bedroom. I jumped onto my bed and sighed in contentment once I engulfed myself in the familiar sheets. I wriggled in the soft material to get comfortable.

I checked my phone to see that I had received a text message from Amy telling me that Mr. Cooper was creepy and that I was an idiot. I rolled my eyes at her text and put my phone on the table beside my bed before reaching over and opening the book to the chapter I was up to.

I had only read three words before a loud banging noise erupted throughout my small apartment, making me freeze in fear. I quickly placed my pink bookmark back in between the pages of the thick book and set it aside cautiously, irrationally fearful that putting it down would set off something else in the house. I looked around my bedroom with wide eyes.

The banging noise began again and I jumped out of my bed and grabbed the only weapon I could find - a random shoe with a sharp heel that I had thrown on the floor of my room carelessly. Shoe in hand, I slowly crept out of my room.

The banging noise became louder as I entered the living room, and I realised the source of the noise was coming from the other side of my apartment entrance. I let out a short sigh of relief once I realised that I had locked the door.

“W-Who’s there?” I called out loudly, trying to mask the waver in my voice to hide my fear.

“Emmmmillllllly, hiiiiii…”

A deep, British accent slurred, making me freeze in my tracks once again as the voice sent an all too familiar shiver down my spine. My voice hitched in my throat as I looked over at my white, wooden door in shock, not believing my hearing skills at 1AM after a long day at work.

“Emilllllllly, can you pppppppppplease let me innnn? I alllllwayyyyys l-let youuuuu in…” The loud banging started up once again.

“HEY! WOULD YOU SHUT IT? SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP HERE!” I heard someone else shout. Their voice sounded distant and muffled from inside my apartment, but it was enough to shake me back into reality.

I threw the heel onto the floor hastily before I ran over and unlocked my front door, just as Adrian’s face turned into his all too familiar scowl.

“YOUUUU SHUT IT!” he snapped back, before turning around slowly once he realised I had opened the door.

“What the hell are you doing here, Adrian?” I hissed, trying to cover up my surprise with anger. “It’s 1AM, and you’re drunk! Go home!”

He was slumped against the wall that connected to my apartment door, and my breath hitched in my throat once his eyes met mine. My conscience must have forgotten the kind of effect Adrian Kingston had on me in real life, because I froze in my doorway as I looked down at his tall seated figure, dark plump lips and strong hazel eyes that were slightly droopy. The smell of alcohol filled my nostrils sharply, the vile stench making me cough a little.

Adrian’s eyes never left my half naked, tired figure, and I sighed and bit my lip while shaking my head at what I was about to do. I moved forward and lifted his right arm to put it over my shoulders for support.

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