The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,77

shoes. I laughed and opened the door to the small diner, Allen following in tow. “So what made you finally agree to have lunch with me?” he asked good-naturedly. “Have my killer good looks finally caught up with you?”

I rolled my eyes and raised my eyebrows. “Yes, Allen. How will I ever be able to survive this cruel, cruel earth without you having lunch with me?” I gushed sarcastically, putting my hand over my chest to emphasize the damsel in distress role.

He chuckled and slid into the booth we walked to in the corner of the diner before smiling up at me. “Sexy, smart, feisty, and funny,” he declared. “The list just keeps growing every day.”

I rolled my eyes again at his attempt at flirting, before picking up the slightly greasy laminated menu in front of me. “I’m going to go out on a limb here,” I said as I scanned it, “and say you and Adrian were the playboys of your high school.”

“And college,” Allen grinned, making me laugh.

“Figures,” I stated, biting my lip as I tried to decide between a chicken burger or a beef burger. “So, what was the deal between you and Lisa this morning? And don’t bother saying it was nothing.” I narrowed my eyes at Allen, whose eyes snapped to mine at the mention of the topic. “She began to say Adrian’s name,” I went on, “so I know it’s not ‘nothing’.”

“She was just reminding me of a deal I made with Adrian,” Allen replied. “It’s nothing big. You don’t need to worry that sexy and smart mind of yours.” He smiled slyly at my unwavering expression.

“Oh, Allen. Your words touch me. Right here.” I pointed to the middle of my chest where my heart was, before throwing another sarcastic smile in his direction.

“I know something else that can touch you there, if you like.” He smirked, winking at me.

I laughed before throwing a sugar packet at his face, blushing. “Shut up, you idiot.”

He chuckled just as a waitress made her way over to our booth. “My offer still stands,” he said, waggling his eyebrows at me.

I laughed before turning to look up at the waitress. “Can I please get the beef burger and fries?” I asked. She nodded and wrote down my order, before turning over to Allen.

“And you?” she asked, visibly checking him out.

“I’ll have her,” he replied, nodding in my direction. “She’s not on the menu, but I’m willing to pay.” It made the waitress giggle.

“You’re a cute couple,” she observed, smiling at the both of us.

I instantly spoke up. “Oh no, we’re not-”

Allen cut me off. “Why thank you, lovely lady. I’ll have the same thing as my sexy girlfriend over here.” He smiled, before looking over at me and winking. I gave him a look of disbelief as the waitress wrote down his order and walked away from my booth.

“What is with men and making me their fake girlfriend?!” I exclaimed, more to myself.

“Men? Why, cupcake, I’m crushed,” Allen said, faking hurt.

I laughed at his horrible acting skills before shaking my head. “You’re a handful,” I declared. “I don’t think I want to have lunch with you again.”

He smirked before leaning forward. “Sorry, what was that? Did you say you wanted to have lunch with me again? That’s great. Every day, 1PM. I’ll be here, in this booth, waiting for you.”

His tone had turned serious, but he still managed to keep the amused glint in his eyes, and I agreed with offer, liking the fact that Allen was an entertaining distraction from Adrian.

Chapter Fourteen

I was one more female stumbling into my office away from exploding.

Two weeks have gone by – and Adrian was still sleeping with every woman he set his eyes on. If he was trying to prove that the kiss didn’t mean anything to him, he had succeeded on the first day when he brought in the red head that I had fought with on my first day here. To make matters worse, Adrian didn’t even want me moving my desk back into my previously assigned office, and was furious when he came stumbling out of the room with the glass door with another woman buttoning up her pale pink blouse behind him, to find me directing the guys that were moving my desk out to be careful with my things.

On top of his women stumbling into my office with sheer excitement and lust present on their expressions, asking me where Adrian’s office was every five minutes, Copyright 2016 - 2024