The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,6

question and took his seat in front of his desk while reaching for the coffee and taking a sip. I started to pick at my nail in anticipation as I waited for his response – or any sort of interaction for that matter.

“Sit down, Emily,” he muttered as he typed something into his Mac computer. Okay, he used my first name. This can’t be good.

I sat down on the exact same chair I was interviewed in yesterday and instantly began blushing from the mental images that began to resurface in my head. “Am I being fired?” I blurted unintentionally, letting my nerves get the better of me.

Adrian looked away from the computer screen in front of him to meet my eyes and raise an eyebrow, as an amused smirk formed on his features. “No, Ms. Johnson, you are not being fired. We have business to discuss.” He turned back to the computer screen and typed something.

I felt my shoulders sag in relief as the tension in my body released itself at the mention of my job still being in-tact. I began to play with a lock of hair as I waited quietly for Adrian to explain why I was here, and found myself growing bored and impatient rapidly. After a few more minutes, I looked up with a frown as an impatient sigh escaped my lips – only to find Adrian smirking in my direction.

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“Are you done observing the same strand of hair so we can begin or do I need to give you more time because you might have missed a spot to look at?” he asked flatly, as I dropped my hair back onto my shoulders.

“I was waiting for you to finish what you were doing on the computer!” I exclaimed in disbelief, before quickly adding, “Sir.”

“I don’t really care. I require your full attention at all times. We have a business dinner to attend this Saturday. It’s a black and white dress code and I expect you to be ready and here in my office by 7:45PM sharp. If you’re even 35 seconds late, you’re fired. I don’t know who I’m taking as my +1 yet, so don’t make that official. If worse comes to worst, I’ll just use you. Also, cancel my entire morning schedule, I have-” Adrian was cut off by his office door slamming open. The sound of jingling bracelets and the clacking of heels suddenly dominated the otherwise quiet room.

I turned around to find a tall blonde in a neon orange shirt and white mini skirt parade into the office while adjusting the copious amount of jewelry on her arm. I turned back to Adrian in confusion as he cleared his throat. “I have business to attend to. You can leave now.”

I nodded and turned to leave as the blonde rushed passed me and threw herself at Adrian. “Hey babyyyyyyy.” She dragged on the word before crashing her lips onto his. My eyes widened in shock as I quickened my pace and left the office in shock.

Suzie walked by just as I shut the door behind me, a flabbergasted expression undoubtedly on my face. She began laughing. “Let me guess, you have to cancel his morning schedule?”

I stiffly walked back to my office – dumbfounded by how the random blonde attacked Adrian’s face. “How did you know?” I asked.

“He does this when he’s pissed off over something or – in a very rare case which has only happened twice out of the 15 years I’ve been working here – there was a girl he couldn’t get so he deals with his anger by doing… girls.” Suzie cleared her throat awkwardly.

I scrunched my nose in disapproval. “That cannot be healthy.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “We’re all used to it. Every female in this office – except for myself, of course – has been in that office with Adrian for a reason other than discussing business matters. Don’t be surprised when you find about five other girls parade in there throughout the morning.”

I frowned in disapproval as Suzie placed a file on my desk and walked away humming an unfamiliar tune. About 15 minutes went by before a knock at my door interrupted me from sorting out the files left on my desk. I looked up to find a woman dressed similarly to me – a pencil skirt and business shirt – smiling.

“Hi! Is Adrian busy?” She asked, cocking her head to the side as she waited for an answer.

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