The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,59

a sip from my own coffee cup and pulling away from his hold.

He chuckled just as a worker walked up to us. “We’re all done here. Is there anything else you want moved?” His eyes travelled over to where I was standing and raked over my body slowly as he asked the question. I glared at the man just as Adrian pulled me back into his torso.

“Yes,” Adrian snapped, “your presence from my office. Get out.” He glared at the worker, who was still making it so painstakingly obvious that he was checking me out. Adrian let out a low growl after the worker didn’t respond, a sound that rumbled throughout his entire body and sent waves over to my own.

The worker snapped his gaze away from me and looked over at Adrian with a fearful expression, before he gulped and nodded, leaving the room quicker than I could blink.

“Fucking dickhead.” Adrian scowled and said under his breath, making my eyebrows shoot up in surprise once again.

“Adrian,” I said in the calmest tone I could manage once we were alone in his office.

“Yes, Shortcake? Are you finally going to confess your undying love for me?” Adrian asked wryly.

I rolled my eyes and glared. “Why did you move my desk? And I want the real answer this time.” I emphasized the last part, once he opened his mouth to respond to my question.

“I want to spend more time with you,” he stated, shrugging casually before going around to sit at his desk.

I stayed frozen in my position from shock, before I shook myself out of it and mentally fought against the ecstatic feeling that was erupting within my insides. Recovering, I moved to take my seat behind my desk. I realized quickly that the workers had jumbled up the items on the desk. Sighing in frustration, I began repositioning my stationary and paperwork so that it was organised the way I liked it to be. I finished with a flourish, and looked up to find Adrian smirking at me.

I let out a startled squeak and fell off my desk chair from the shock, landing in an awkward position with my legs in the air and my arms bent in unnatural positions as Adrian began to chuckle.

“Did I frighten you, Shortcake?” he asked as I saw him peer over my desk to smirk down at my fallen figure.

I glared up at him before trying to get out of my awkward position; well aware of the fact that my pencil skirt had managed to slide down and put most of my legs on show. He chuckled again before I felt his strong arms wrap themselves around my waist and pull me up – over his shoulder. A sense of déjà vu flashed through my mind as I remembered the day he forced me to go to lunch with him, and I scowled at his backside.

“Adrian, put me down.” I hissed, flushing.

He walked back to his desk and sat down before letting me down on his lap while keeping me in the position he put me in – which was straddling him. “Okay,” he smirked, making me glare at his plump lips.

“Adrian, someone might walk in!” I exclaimed, pressing my palms against his chest to try and push myself off of him.

“I’ve locked the door,” he stated, still smirking.

I glared down at him before letting out an exasperated sigh. “I need to get back to work.” I tried, hoping to convince him with a new logic.

“I’m your boss,” he replied, that smirk of his growing impossibly wider. “I’ll tell you when to get back to work.”

“Just let me go!” I whined, pouting slightly.

“Kiss me,” he stated, looking into my eyes with a serious expression.

“What? N-No!” I stuttered, attempting to glare at him but failing miserably from my flustered and shocked state.

Adrian studied my expression for a moment, before glaring slightly. “Where do you want to go this weekend?” he finally said, rapidly switching subjects.

“This weekend?” I repeated, confused again as I temporarily forgot the fact that I was straddling Adrian in his office.

“The trip I told my mother we’re going on. Where do you want to go?” he elaborated, pulling me into him so that he could reach over to his desk and grab his coffee off the table.

I groaned, remembering the night of the fundraiser. “Adrian. I told you that isn’t happening. I barely know you! Just take one of your fan girls. I’m sure they’re more than willing.” I glared, suddenly Copyright 2016 - 2024