The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,17

cover more of my legs but as I pulled down, the cloth slipped slightly from my chest area, revealing more cleavage than intended. I pulled it back up. Unfortunately, the man beside me missed nothing. I could only glare and blush at his amused expression.

He covered it quickly with a glare of his own. “No. I was offering so that you wouldn’t have so many bloodthirsty men looking at your body tonight and making comments and suggestions. But clearly, you don’t care about that; so we’ll just leave you how you are.” He slipped his phone back into the pocket of his pants.

I felt my jaw drop. “So it’s okay for you to make the ‘comments’ and ‘suggestions’ but when someone else does it, it’s not okay? You’re such a hypocrite!” I exclaimed angrily.

“I’m allowed to make those comments because I’m Adrian Kingston,” he retorted, making my blood boil.

“Are you kidding me right now? Do you honestly believe that you can get away with whatever you want just because you’re ‘Adrian Kingston?’ You know what, I’m glad Amy picked out this dress. Maybe it’ll ruin your flawless reputation.” I snarled at him as the glare I thought had slipped off came crawling back onto my face.

His head whipped back to meet my eyes, and I found his expression mirroring mine. “I don’t give a fuck about what they think of me. I wanted you covered because you’re mine. Now be quiet for the rest of the trip, and memorise the names so you’re prepared to give me any information I need on them when I ask you to. Remember that this is your job, Ms. Johnson, and I am your boss.”

Adrian gave me a stern look and turned away before I could comment, ending the conversation.


We arrived at the hotel about half an hour later, and I froze in my position as the rapid flash of bright lights surrounded the car the moment it stopped. My eyes widened as the flashing came closer to the vehicle, and I felt my breathing hitch in my throat.

“Hey. It’ll be alright, they’re only outside, so we’ll walk as quickly as we can so I can get you inside, okay?”

I looked over to where Adrian was sitting and found him looking at me worriedly. I nodded, answering his question before taking in a deep breath. “We should go. We’re already late.” I reached out to open the door on my side.

“No, don’t.” Adrian spoke up, as I felt his hand pull mine away from the door handle. I looked at him in confusion.

“How am I supposed to get out?” I laughed, attempting to cover my nerves.

“Come out after me from my side,” he said, before I let out a small squeak as he pulled me over to him by wrapping an arm around my waist. He smirked down at me before releasing my body from his hold and opening the door. Shouts of his name instantly erupted from the photographers around the car, and I used the attention on him as a hopeful distraction as I got out of car.

We walked around the car to meet Adrianna – a tall blonde haired model with flawless bronze skin and chocolate brown eyes. She pulled Adrian in for a kiss before linking her arm with his and walking away, leaving me to scurry awkwardly behind them. My ears perked up as I walked past various reporters who were standing around the entrance of the hotel as Adrian got interviewed by others.

“One of the biggest business dinners hosted yearly…”

“Business names from all around the globe are making an appearance here tonight…”

“If you were here tonight, you’re classified as one of the most successful businesses around the world. That’s a big title, and…”

“… Adrian Kingston, once again with a new lady on his arm…”

“… Seems like Adrian Kingston, the current CEO of Kingston Corp; has a new assistant tonight!”

My eyes widened at that statement, and I hurried my pace and put my head down, avoiding any eye contact I could make with what seemed like every news and gossip site reporters in the world surrounding me.

“Emily.” Adrian’s deep voice murmured, making me look up from my shoes to meet his eyes. That’s when I realised that I was standing in the same position. I blushed and scurried towards his side, as he frowned. “Relax,” he whispered as he placed a hand on my shoulder in an effort to calm me down. “You’re brining attention to yourself from how Copyright 2016 - 2024