The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,168

they were pieces of lint before walking over to where I was standing with a smirk. “Pucker up,” he ordered while waggling his eyebrows.

Amy huffed from behind us and muttered something inaudible as I shook my head and tried to hide my grin from him. “Remind me why I agreed on marrying you again?” I asked.

“Because of this,” he stated, before wrapping the entire length of his right arm around my waist and pulling me into a deep kiss that left me breathless once he finally decided to pull away. “My wife better kiss like you just did,” he mumbled once he pulled away.

“That’s highly likely considering the fact that we’re the same person,” I mused.

“Your kiss might change once you have that ring on your finger.”

“I highly doubt it, Adrian.” I laughed.

“Have I mentioned how beautiful you look? I don’t think I can look at you enough,” Adrian murmured looking down at my dress.

“Okay lovebirds, enough! Adrian, you better get your ass back to the altar or so help me God-”

“Relax, woman! She’s so touchy. Is she going through menopause?” Adrian grumbled, bringing his gaze back to meet mine.

“That’s it,” Amy snapped, growing red in the face from anger. “You’ve crossed the line there! Out!”

Adrian chuckled and pecked my nose before narrowly avoiding Amy’s fist and running out of the room in hysterics.

“I’ve changed my mind. Don’t get married to him.” Amy scowled.

I laughed and stepped off the small stool before turning to face Amy fully. “You’re due for your period.”

“What if I am?” she asked, narrowing her eyes slightly.

I laughed. “Nothing! I’m just making an observation.”

“Well, so am I; you look so beautiful.” Amy breathed, taking in the final product once I stood facing her front on. “My best friend is getting married,” she whispered, tears coming to her eyes. “Ugh! Fuck you, Emily! Now my makeup is going to smudge!” She wailed, before pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

“Sorry?” I laughed, pulling away with a confused look.

Amy was about to reply before a soft knock sounded at the door. “If it’s that asshole coming in again-”

“It’s not Adrian. He wouldn’t knock. Who is it?” I called out, focusing on the glass door curiously.

A moment later it clicked open, and my mother, clad in a peach coloured blazer and skirt, walked in while wiping her eyes. She began to grin as her gaze fell on me, before she burst into tears again. Seeing my own mother cry made my chest swell up with emotion, and I felt my own eyes begin to water at the sight.

“No way! Don’t you dare cry on your wedding day!” Amy snapped, forcing my gaze away from my mom and making me focus on her angry expression. “Stop it!” Stop!” she ordered snippily, before turning to my mom. “You’re coming with me.” She dragged my hysterical mother out the door, slamming it shut behind her and leaving me alone in the small, silent room.

I sighed and looked at my reflection once more just as the door clicked open again. I looked through the reflection to find Katherine entering the room, coming to a halt once her eyes landed on my all-in-white figure.

“You look breathtaking,” she complimented, her eyes widening slightly on her usually composed face.

I turned away from the mirror and smiled in her direction. “Thank you… Is… Is my mom okay?”

“She’s just happy for you. Are you ready?” she asked.

It was funny how one three-worded question could have such an impact on your internal functions. My breathing had suddenly become heavier and my heartbeat was now in the middle of my eardrums – beating violently against my head and making me even more nervous than I was previously.

I tried to swallow the nervous feeling away before nodding my head. “I… yeah, I’m ready,” I managed to squeak.

“It’s okay Emily, there’s no need to be nervous. This is your big day. Enjoy it.” Katherine gave me a comforting smile before sticking her hand out for me to take. “My son hasn’t stopped yapping about how beautiful you look to everyone in the church. Has he already seen you?”

I felt my cheeks warm up at the fact that Adrian was telling over 400 people something that was known to be bad luck before nodding. “He has.”

“Well, I can’t say it wasn’t expected from him.” She smiled briefly, just as my father came into view. “I’ve come to drop off the bride. The other mother had a bit of a breakdown,” Katherine joked.

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