The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,162

but I don’t want to agree to it and then regret it later on.” Adrian looked up at me with a tired grimace and my frown deepened.

“When does he want an answer by?”

“Next week.”

“It’s okay, we still have a little time to sort something out. For now, go have a break and eat something to take your mind off things,” I suggested.

“You have to come with me for that to happen Shortcake.” He smirked once he finished talking, and I threw the pen I was holding at him once I realised the double meaning behind his words.

“Pervert.” I scowled.

“You don’t complain about it when we’re-”

“Just stop talking!” I squeaked, cutting him off with wide eyes. “We’ll go eat lunch together. I just need to put all of this stuff upstairs. Are you going to help me?” I asked, referring to the huge stack of files I had in my arms.

He shook his head, grinning. “Nope. Your ass sways side to side even more than usual when you carry shit up to the office. I like to watch.”

I gave him a flat look before I broke and glowered. “Stop being a pervert!”

“Start walking sweetheart,” Adrian spoke up, ignoring my comment.

I huffed in annoyance and attempted to balance the stack of files while walking out of the conference room with as little sway to my hips; knowing that Adrian was looking from behind me. A deep chuckle sounded from him once we almost both made it to the elevator, and he decided to bless me with his help by pressing the button to get the doors opening.

“You look like a penguin trying to waddle back to its home when you walk like that.”

“I wouldn’t have to walk like that if some pervert behind me wasn’t staring,” I shot back, sticking me head out of the tall pile and pulling my tongue out at him.

He shrugged. “I’m your boyfriend, I’m allowed to be a pervert towards you.”

I ignored him just as we reached our floor, and instantly began walking towards our office to get rid of the files and grab my bag.

“Keep walking,” Adrian called out from behind me, amusement thickly enlaced in his tone.

I rolled my eyes and continued to ignore him just as I reached the office door. I sighed in frustration, struggling to get a grip onto the door handle before I felt him come up beside me. “Poor Emily, do you need some help? Why didn’t you ask me earlier?” Adrian asked, giving me a sympathetic look before I felt the entire stack of files being lifted out my arms effortlessly.

“You – ugh!” I groaned, opening the office door with another scowl as he chuckled at my reaction.

Adrian placed the stack of files onto the small coffee table in the room just as I collected my handbag and briefly glanced at my phone. “Are you ready to go?”

“I need to use the loo,” Adrian commented, shaking his head.

My face scrunched into a look of confusion. “The what?”

“The loo? The toilet. The bathroom. Whatever you American’s call it.” Adrian dismissed in a bored tone

“Well don’t let me stop you,” I replied sarcastically. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“Okay, feisty. Are you getting your period? You’re on fire today, Shortcake.” I turned back around to face Adrian who was already smirking in my direction. “Wait, wait, let me give a go at this. ‘Adrian! Oh my god! Like, don’t say stuff like that!’” he squealed in a girly voice, attempting to imitate me.

I flipped him off and rolled my eyes at his immaturity. “I’ll be downstairs!” I called out before slamming the door shut behind me and leaving Adrian alone in the office.

I decided to text Amy while I waited by Adrian’s car in attempt to look occupied and not as awkward and alone as I felt. Amy replied within 30 seconds after I sent the message, and I smiled down at the phone at her desperate attempt to have company at her job before someone cleared their throat.

I looked up and froze in the position I was in as I realized that Rita was standing in front of me, nodding slightly at the device in my hands. “Adrian?”

I blinked back blankly before a frown etched itself onto my face. “What are you doing here?” My voice was meant to come out strong; instead, it sounded more like a reply to my parents after being scolded for coming home too late.

“I… I came to apologise to you Emily,” Rita responded, a cautious look Copyright 2016 - 2024