The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,156

nice,” Adrian commented, an amused smirk appearing on his lips.

“You’re dead,” I warned through gnashed teeth, punching his chest.

“Ouch. You’ve taken the life out of me with that punch. I cannot go on any longer. Help me. Save me,” Adrian responded in a dead pan voice matched with a flat look.

I scowled in response before furiously pressing the elevator button.

“I think I should take you back in there so we can sort out your anger management issues,” Adrian observed.

“I think you should shut up before I knee you where the sun don’t shine.” I smiled sweetly, before looking straight ahead.

“Oh, I see. It’s almost that time of the month, isn’t it?” Adrian asked, bending down so that his face was levelled with my own.

I glared at his amused expression. “Don’t push me,” I warned.

“Don’t. Push. Me. Cos’. I’m. Close. To. The edge,” Adrian recited, stretching his arms out in a DJ move.

A smile forced its way onto my lips and I shook my head at his goofiness. “Idiot.”

He grinned happily and pulled me in for another kiss on the lips just as the elevator doors sprung open. Once he pulled away, he looked into the small silver box before looking back at me with a smirk. “What do you say to some elevator se-”

“No,” I responded flatly, not bothering to wait for him to finish the sentence.

“You’re boring.” He pouted.

“You’re annoying,” I replied in a monotone.

“You love me.” He smirked arrogantly. Once I didn’t reply to that, his smirk fell instantly. “You love me, right?” he asked with a worried expression.

I kept my face blank as I turned to answer him. “I don’t know Adrian, lately… well, I’m just not feeling it…” I trailed off, giving him a sympathetic look and attempting not to laugh at his look of disbelief.

“What the hell do you mean by that?” he exclaimed angrily, turning to face me fully. “You have to love me; I love you!”

“Yes, I know you do, it’s just that-”

“It’s just nothing. We’re getting married,” Adrian cut me off.


“No, I mean it. There is nothing stopping us from getting married. I don’t ever want to lose you and I’m ready to settle down with you by my side.” Adrian growled.

I blinked back at him in shock momentarily before placing a hand on his cheek. “I don’t ever want to lose you either, but this is something you have to think long and hard about. We can talk about this another time. I was kidding before, I do love you.” I mumbled, giving him a small smile.

I watched as he frowned slightly before grunting and looking away. “Whatever,” he snapped.

I sighed. “Adrian.”

“No, Emily. I don’t know how much more open I can be with you; and you just turn it down like it was an everyday conversation.”

“No, I don’t!” I insisted. “I know how hard it is for you to talk about this kind of stuff, I do. And I’m not saying no, either! It’s just that… well now, in an elevator… isn’t exactly the right time.”

Adrian stayed silent for a few moments before sighing. “You’re right. Come on, let’s go start up on that dinner. We can talk about this another time.”


“Are you sure this is the right apartment?” I asked nervously, glancing at Amy who was tapping her thumbs to the beat of the music playing too loudly in the car.

She let out an exasperated sigh before nodding. “Yes! Now go up there and apologise to the girl and give her, her job back! You owe that much to her after indirectly firing her and accusing her of working for that stupid pig who is now rotting in prison, and hopefully soon enough, in hell.”

I laughed nervously before nodding and getting out of the car and making my way up to the apartment buzzers.

Anna was number 68; the penthouse apartment of this building in particular. I pressed the button and waited patiently before a bleak shuffling noise sounded from the rounded speaker. “I’m not interested in whatever product you’re trying to sell-”

“This isn’t a salesman,” I replied nervously. “This is Emily… May I come in?”

“Emily Johnson?” she asked in surprise, before I heard the buzzer go off and the door click open.

I tried to contain my own surprise as I made my way up to her apartment; trying to figure out why she’d let the woman who potentially ruined her career into her home so easily.

Anna was already waiting at the door of her apartment once I stepped off Copyright 2016 - 2024