The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,140

off.” She breathed, before looking up at me in disbelief. “Are you fucking with me, Emily?” She scowled.

“No you idiot! Would I really casually carry $2,000 in my bag?” I asked her with a pointed look.

“I’m in love with your boyfriend.” She sighed as a grin made its way to her lips.

“I’m the one who spent all night begging him to let you come,” I grumbled under my breath, glaring at her.

Amy’s grin – is possible – grew wider as she waggled her eyebrows. “All night, eh? No wonder he was so generous with the amount of money.”

She snickered once I threw a pillow in her direction. “Not like that!” I exclaimed.

“Yes like that. You have that after-sex face on today. Don’t think you can hide it from me.” Amy smirked, before taking a bite of the chocolate bar beside her.

“No I don’t,” I responded, blushing slightly.

“Shut up. How fancy is this thing?” she asked, looking away from her laptop screen. “Is it like last time?”

I nodded and shuffled closer towards her to get a look at the dresses she was going through. “I’m surprised you’re still focusing on my dress when I just gave you $2,000 and told you that you’re invited to one of these things,” I pointed out in amusement.

She scoffed. “Please, I’ve had my outfit planned for this day ever since you met Mr. Sexypants; he’s just provided me with the funds to make this outfit actually happen.” She falsely grinned at me before averting her attention back to the laptop screen. “Now… I was thinking something along the lines of gold…” She trailed off to herself.

My phone rang then, and I answered it immediately. “Save me,” I begged Adrian, who chuckled through the speaker.

“You sure seem to do a lot of begging lately, Shortcake.”

I was already envisioning his usual arrogant smirk as he spoke those words, and glared at Amy’s small television across from me. “Shut up. What do you want?” I asked, trying to avoid the subject.

“Were you serious about me saving you?” he asked in a concerned tone. “Do you want me to come and pick you up?”


I turned around in horror. “You can hear him?”

“Duh, and he proved me right! You did have begging sex last night!” She burst into a fit of laughter, tossing her laptop carelessly to the side in the process.

Adrian chuckled in my ear, and I groaned in mortification. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed about our lovemaking, Shortcake-”

“Okay I’m going to stop you right there and hope to God that there is an actual point to this phone call or else I’m hanging up,” I warned, throwing a glare at Amy, who was still laughing.

“Yes, there is a point to this phone call.” His voice suddenly turned serious, and I frowned at the brown pillow in my lap.

“What is it?”

“Good news or bad news first?” he asked.

My frown deepened and I bit my lip. “Bad news.”

“Okay.” He let out a breath before speaking up again. “Well… the bad news is that I have a boner thinking about you.”

My frown instantly flattened. “Adrian”-

“But the good news is,” he interrupted, “You’re in love with me, and you’re willing to come and get rid of it!”

“Idiot.” I hung up in his face.

“I’d never thought I’d see the day where I’d be jealous of your relationship, of all people,” Amy scoffed, before pouting at me.

I raised an eyebrow as a sly smile made its way to my lips. “Why Amy, how ever could you be jealous of Adrian and me when you’ve got the perfect relationship with my brother? Oh wait, that’s all in your mind.”


I burst into a fit of laughter and dodged the pillow she launched in my direction, before taking back my original seat on the sofa.

“I’m serious.” Amy glared. “Leave. You distract me too much and you need this dress by the weekend. Plus, I hate you right now.”

“Aw, Aims.” I pretended to be affected by her words and pouted in her direction. “Do you-” I got cut off by my phone shrilling to life again.

I gave Amy a flat look before answering in the same fashion. “Adrian.”

“Shortcake, I need you to get to the office immediately. We need to sort out a large financial error that just occurred in one of the hotels in London.” There was no humour in his tone, and my Copyright 2016 - 2024