The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,137

I closed my eyes and clutched onto the cool metal bars again.

“Just open your eyes and enjoy the view, Emily,” Adrian told me gently. “There’s nothing to be scared of. I’m here with you if anything happens.” I opened one eye and looked over to find him giving me a reassuring smile.

Slowly, I began opening my other eye and turned my head over to look out of the small carriage.

And I saw New York.

Every single light twinkled brightly, creating an illuminating blur and bringing the city to life. “Wow,” I breathed, pressing my face up against the cool bars.

“Beautiful, isn’t it? Just like someone on this carriage,” Adrian murmured. I looked away from the view and turned to him with a smile on my face. “I was talking about myself Shortcake, not you. Don’t get too excited there,” he pointed out with a smirk once he saw my expression.

My smile instantly dropped as I glared at him. “Asshole,” I grumbled under my breath.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Adrian asked with a raised eyebrow, smirking.

“I said asshole,” I responded boldly, smirking back.

“Oh really?” He began, before he began to shake the carriage again. I squealed in fright and instantly began gripping onto the white bars like my life depended on it before he spoke again. “What were you saying again?” he asked, shaking the carriage even more.

“I’m sorry!” I shrieked, giving him a desperate look.

“Hmm. I don’t think sorry is going to cut it this time, Shortcake. Express your feelings to me.” He winked.

“What? No way!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening at his suggestion.

“I didn’t mean sex! But if that’s what you want-”


Adrian’s hands shot up in defense. “Okay, Shortcake. No need to get aggressive. But tell me you love me.”

“You already know I do.” I scowled, glaring at him.

His eyebrows shot up at my response before a smug smile made its way to his lips, and he began to shake the carriage again.

“Okay, okay Fine!” I exclaimed, shutting my eyes tightly. “I love you!”

“You didn’t say it loud enough. Scream it out for the world to hear,” Adrian ordered cheerfully.

“Why are you being even more annoying than usual right now?” I snapped.

The carriage began to shake again and I squealed in fright. “OKAY! I LOVE YOU!” I shouted in panic. The carriage stopped shaking then, and my eyes snapped open to find that the entire ride had stopped moving.

Adrian was grinning from ear to ear as I realised that the entire population of the waiting line, along with the operating crew of the ride, had heard me scream out my love for him.

“Aw Shortcake. You’re too nice,” Adrian replied once he noticed my face begin to resemble the colour of a tomato.

“I hate you so much,” I grumbled in mortification once we got off the small carriage. Couples of all ages were staring at us both with small smiles on their faces, making my face go even redder than it was.

“I’ve got witnesses that can state otherwise.” Adrian smirked.

“Go away.” I scowled, trying to walk away from him as fast as I could manage in heels.

Adrian chuckled before I heard his footsteps catch up to mine quickly. “If it makes you feel any better, I love you as well?”

“I want food,” I grumbled, ignoring his statement.

Adrian chuckled in response before wrapping an arm around my waist and placing a kiss on my lips. “Okay, we’ll have dinner. Go home. Have sex. Sound good?” He grinned.

“You’re not getting any tonight,” I growled, glaring up at him.

“Oh, come on! I was just joking!”

I smiled. “Too bad.”

He began grumbling under his breath as we made our way back to the car park and I smiled smugly in response.


“Excuse me, Sir, I think you’ve missed the restaurant we were supposed to go to,” I told the driver with a frown.

“No Miss, Mr. Walter said there has been a change of location. I am taking you to that location.” The driver fell silent after that, and I looked down at my lap in panic.

I grabbed my phone in a rush and quickly found Adrian’s contact name. There has been a change of plans. He’s taking me to a different restaurant! I’ll let you know which one it is as soon as I can.

I hit the send button almost instantly and looked out the window in an attempt to familiarize myself with my surroundings. The street was foreign to my eyes; I had never been in an area that looked like this before. The car stopped Copyright 2016 - 2024