The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,134

are,” she continued. “You were the mature one out of us both, even though it should have been me. I want to thank you for that. But Emily, I am warning you from now. My actions will not be kind ones if you break my son’s heart. You’re clearly not using him for money because you have a job. But if I find out that you do have an ulterior motive for being with my son, I will not hesitate to ruin your life.” She ended her warning in a stone cold tone.

“Mrs. Kingston-”

“Katherine,” she corrected, smiling slightly.

I smiled in return before starting again. “Katherine. I am in love with Adrian just as much as he is with me. I have no ulterior motives with your son; I can assure you that from now. I do want to thank you for this talk. It may not seem like it, but your approval really meant a lot to me,” I mumbled, blushing slightly.

“I’ve always wanted a daughter-in-law,” Katherine said. She was grinning broadly at me now, and got out of her seat once my eyes met hers. “Come.” She smiled, opening her arms for a hug.

I stepped into them happily, just as the door burst open.

“Mother, I swear to- Wait, what? What the hell is happening here?!” Adrian demanded, looking at the hug in utter confusion.

Katherine and I began to laugh at Adrian’s confused state, before we pulled away from each other. “I think dinner is ready by now, how about we go and eat?” Katherine suggested, looking down at me.

“Sound’s good! Adrian?” I called out, looking over at him.

He was still watching the interaction between his mother and me with a guarded expression. “Who are you and what did you do to my disapproving mother?” he asked Katherine suspiciously, before wrapping an arm around my waist.

I laughed and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Your disapproving mother is actually quite approving when she needs to be,” I informed him with a grin as we made our way back down the flight of stairs.

Adrian continued to wear a confused expression. “I better get some sex tonight,” he grumbled, rubbing his temple and making me laugh again.

Chapter Twenty-five

“ADRIAN!” I tripped over my own footing and clumsily grabbed onto the doorknob to keep myself upright before opening the door in one swift motion.

“What? What happened? Is that pigeon back again?! I knew it’d be back.” Adrian shuddered as he reached our bedroom, and I momentarily forgot what I was going to tell him and gave him a look. “You know what, Shortcake? You weren’t there to see it happen. I feel it watching me all the time.” His eyes widened as his voice dropped to a low whisper, and I wacked him across the head.

“You’re an idiot! Telling off a pigeon and throwing a pebble at it – and missing, need I remind you – is not going to make a bird stalk you all the way back home and observe your every move, ready to strike.” I gave him a pointed look and he glared in response.

“You weren’t there,” he repeated stubbornly. “Anyway, why did you call me? I mean, you’ve already made it pretty clear that you don’t want me to get you pregnant, so I see no other reason for us to interact. Unless… are you finally letting me put a mini-me inside you?!” Adrian asked excitedly. I watched as his entire face lit up with a grinned, and I fought the urge to grin back at his hopeful expression.

Ever since we watched The Back-Up Plan together, Adrian has been begging for a child – which was ironic, considering the fact that he could barely stand the thought of holding one two months ago.

“Adrian. I’m not getting pregnant. We’re not even married!” I exclaimed.

“Fine. Marry me.” He shrugged.

“What?!” I shrieked with wide eyes.

“Ma-rry m-e,” he said slowly, smirking once he noticed my flat expression.

“You’re crazy,” I mumbled, shaking my head.

“Is that a yes? I have my grandmother’s ring is ready for us to-”

“What?!” I repeated in shock.

“What?” Adrian replied, giving me an innocent look.

“I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not,” I grumbled, glaring up at him.

“Of course I am,” he responded while wrapping an arm around my waist. “I can’t tell whether you’re rejecting the proposal of the man who loves you or not.”

“I am,” I answered.

“Why?” Adrian growled, frowning down at me. “We’ve been dating for over 6 months; we live with each other and are both Copyright 2016 - 2024