The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,131

I always used to talk about. Do you remember that? I mean, I thought it was going to be like a secret laboratory or something that would show me Adrian’s true alter ego. It turned out to be a small room with a bed, kitchen, bathroom, and a small closet.” I grumbled in disappointment.

“Continue!” Amy stressed.

“Right, so I went after him and told him that I was in love with him as well and that he didn’t trust me even though I trust him. He kissed me after that, and then we… well, you know.” I mumbled, flushing in embarrassment.

“Yes, I do know.” Amy grinned, waggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her perverted mind before continuing. “We had it twice there. Then, after work, we had dinner and it just happened again. I don’t even remember how.” I frowned as I recalled the memory of last night just as my phone buzzed against the polished wooden table.

Adrian’s name popped up on the screen, and I answered it instantaneously. “Adrian? Is everything okay?”

“Shortcake, we have a problem on our hands,” he announced in a stone cold tone.

My eyes widened. “What is it? What’s happened?” I asked frantically, already beginning to grab my handbag from the side of my chair.

Adrian spoke up just as I slung the bag onto my shoulders. “Here I am, sitting at my desk, signing a new contract for the next hotel being built close to here; then I remember how sexy you are. Now I have a boner staring up at me, waiting for your lovely-”

“Adrian. You seriously cannot be calling me because of that,” I responded flatly, cutting him off.

“This is a serious matter! Plus, you weren’t exactly complaining last night when it was inside-”

I cut him off again. “Don’t! Don’t even finish that sentence. I’ll be back at the office soon,” I mumbled, blushing furiously as my eyes met Amy’s and Rita’s.

Adrian cheered through the speaker of my phone, before he spoke up. “You’re the best girlfriend ever.”

“Don’t think that I’m coming for you!” I snapped as the blush in my cheeks increased.

“You were coming for me last night,” Adrian responded smugly.

I groaned in mortification before shaking my head. “You’re impossible.”

“You love me,” he replied in a singsong voice.

I smiled at this. “I’m starting to re-think my feelings towards you,” I joked.

“You can’t because I love you,” Adrian responded. The small smile on my face grew as the words reached my ears. It still felt weird to hear them coming from Adrian, but the sound of it made my stomach perform summersaults.

“Hurry up and get here,” he spoke up suddenly, and the line went dead.

I looked down at the blank screen of my phone in disbelief, before looking up at Amy and Rita. “I have to get back,” I announced.

Amy grinned slowly as she waggled her eyebrows. “That’s fine. Use protection!” she reminded me, grinning even wider than before.

I rolled my eyes and hugged them both, before exiting the café.


“Adrian! We were meant to be on the road 15 minutes ago!” I exclaimed, trying to pull him off the sofa. “ We’re going to be late!”

“It’d my dad. He won’t care if we’re a little late,” Adrian mumbled, trying to fall asleep again.

“A little?! At this rate, we’re going to arrive there at midnight!” I stressed, before pulling at his arm again.

A sudden pull of my own arm made me squeal as I stumbled and landed on top of Adrian’s sleeping figure, and Adrian looked up and grinned. “Let’s ditch the dinner and do something here,” he suggested, grinning wickedly.

I raised an eyebrow as a smile made its way onto my lips. “What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Well, I did say to do something. That something will be you.” Adrian pulled me closer towards him and placed a kiss on my nose, before waggling his eyebrows at the suggestion.

“That sounds very nice, honey, but your parents are waiting,” I reminded him. But knowing something else would be much more effective, I added, “So if you don’t get up right this second, you’re not getting any for a week.” I narrowed my eyes slightly to make the threat more believable.

The threat worked, because Adrian had lifted me off of him and was at the door faster than I could blink. “Let’s go!” he snapped, frowning at my frozen state at the sofa.

“Okay, okay! No need to get your panties in a bunch.” I mumbled, rushing over to his side.

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