The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,128

glared. “If you were in my position, you would’ve made me tell you.”

“Well, I’m in my own position so I don’t have to tell you anything,” he replied with a glare.

I could tell he was about to burst. His eyes were narrowed to slits and his jaw was clenched to the point where there was a circular bone popping out of his jawline. “Fine. If it’s that important to you, I’ll just leave it. I’m sleeping at Amy’s house tonight,” I announced, looking away from him and turning to the computer screen.

“No, you’re not,” Adrian snarled, making me focus on him again.

I glared. “Yes I am. You can keep whatever the hell you’re hiding away from me, but you can’t keep me from sleeping at my best friend’s house.”

“Jesus, just drop it, will you? It’s nothing!” he exclaimed angrily, throwing his arms up in defeat.

“I have dropped it!” I snapped.

“No you haven’t! You’re angry, so you want to sleep at Amy’s to avoid me!”

“That wouldn’t be happening if you would just be open with me like I was with you with the David Walter situation,” I retorted angrily.

“You were only open about that because I caught you having lunch with him!”

“Oh, so you want me to hire someone to stalk you so I can find out what it is so you can be open about it, is that it?” I asked with eyebrows raised.

“No! It’s nothing like that.” He growled in a low voice, inching closer towards me in anger.

“Well, I guess you don’t mind if I sleep at Amy’s tonight then.”

“Dammit, Emily, just drop the subject and forget about it,” Adrian commanded in a cold tone.

“Fine. I guess next time, I should just keep everything to myself as well,” I muttered, looking back at the computer screen. ”Because clearly the trust thing is only happening one way.”

“Shortcake, you know I trust you. I trust you more than I trust Allen; and I’ve known the guy since High School. Just please drop this, I don’t think you’re ready to hear it just yet. You’ll freak out and I’ll lose you,” Adrian mumbled, no longer looking angered by my persistent behaviour.

I sighed. “I’m not weak, Adrian. I can handle it. Especially if it’s something concerning me. Do you know how unfair that is? I have a right to know!”

“Not with this you don’t,” he replied, his voice becoming cold again.

I let out a frustrated growl. “I can handle it, A-”

“Fine! I’m in love with you, Emily!” Adrian yelled. “Are you happy now?!”

I could only stare back at him after that. Everything went silent; even the usual murmurs we would be able to hear from the offices outside fell quiet. I’m pretty sure Adrian yelled loud enough for the entire top floor to hear him. He was breathing slightly heavier than usual as he looked straight into my eyes before he looked away.

“I knew this was going to happen,” he mumbled, before shaking his head in disappointment and disappearing into the mysterious glass door across from my position.

Chapter Twenty Four

A few questions ran through my mind just as the glass door clicked shut.

Did Adrian Kingston, arrogant playboy sex symbol of New York, just profess his love to me?

What was behind that goddamn glass door?

Why was I still sitting at my desk, when I should be in there, telling him how I feel about him?

But most importantly, why didn’t I eat that doughnut?

Snapping out of my mental state, I made my way over to the mysterious glass door and let out a nervous sigh before knocking softly. “Adrian?”

“What?” came his dull reply. I heard shuffling within the room, and I took his reply as an indication to open the door.

My shoulders sagged in disappointment once my eyes landed on the décor within the small room. There was a queen sized bed fitted with plain back sheets, a small flat screen television across from that, a cupboard that was small enough to fit in the corner of the room, and a small replica of a kitchen sink in the farthest corner from my position.

Adrian was standing in that corner, holding a square shaped cup with a light brown liquid inside it. “Scotch?” I asked softly, afraid of his reaction.

“Brandy,” he replied, before taking a huge gulp of the alcoholic substance.

I nodded meekly before stepping further into the small room. The tension hung thick in the air, and I decided to sit on the edge of the bed while Adrian poured himself another glass.

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