The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,122

turn around to the door.

“Just go sit at the table or something until we’re done,” I told Adrian, before following my family into the house.

“Emily, what is that mark on Adrian’s neck, dear?” my mom asked with a concerned expression once we were all in the kitchen.

Damn you Adrian, now it’s my turn.

“Oh… He, uh, he got in a fight for me at a club last night,” I improvised quickly. “This guy was giving me trouble and the guy got him in the neck. He’s fine now though.” I grabbed the bowl of salad on the table.

“Oh, that’s awful!” My mom gushed, looking out the window in Adrian’s direction sympathetically.

“Yeah…. I’m going to put these outside now,” I announced awkwardly, avoiding Sienna and Blake’s knowing looks.

Sienna came out after me, holding a tray of meat. “Harry!” she called out to her husband as she handed the tray of meat over to my dad. “Will you go to the car and grab Adam’s high chair? I don’t want him running around and making a mess when we’re eating.”

“Of course. Adrian, I’m sorry, would you mind the kids for now?” Harry asked Adrian, who looked up from his phone with annoyance. “I won’t be long,” he reassured him.

By the time the words sank in to Adrian’s mind, Harry was gone, and he looked at me with a panicked look before looking over at the children like they were aliens. “Emily! Maybe you should stay out here with them and I’ll bring out the food,” Adrian tried, giving me a look of pure desperation.

I tried to fight a grin from escaping onto my lips as I shook my head. “Sorry honey, I really need to do this myself. I’m sure you’ll be fine! Just talk to them like you’d talk to one of us!” I called out, before disappearing into the house and laughing to myself.

“You, my dear sister, are cruel,” Blake smirked once I entered the kitchen.

I shrugged innocently. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Blake.” I cocked my head to the side, pretending to be curious, before grabbing the sauces and taking them out to put onto the table.

“Shortcake, please!” Adrian whispered desperately once I neared him on the dinner table. “They’re looking at me.”

I laughed. “Adrian! They’re not going to bite. Just talk to them!” I pushed him towards the three other males that were looking at Adrian curiously, before going back into the kitchen. “Is Aunt Veronica running late or something?”

“Oh, we forgot to tell you! Aunt Veronica won’t able to make it tonight. She has an art show on and apparently there are going to be some very important people there tonight.” My mom explained once I picked up the bowl of mashed potatoes.

“Oh! That’s a shame, I haven’t seen her in a while.” I pouted, before hearing my name being called from outside by a frantic sounding Adrian. All four of us ran out to the narrow gap of the doorway just as Adrian came with a crying Adam in his hands. He was holding him from underneath his arms, and held him as far away as possible from his torso while Adam’s legs dangled helplessly.

“It’s crying.” He cringed once he realised we were all waiting for an explanation.

We all stayed silent for a moment, the only thing making noise was Adam’s wailing, before Adrian pushed him towards us. Instantly, Sienna, Blake and my mom burst into a fit of howling laughter, and I joined them shortly, making Adrian give us a glare of frustration before he looked at Adam with caution again. “Take it and make it stop! Maybe it’s hurt, or hungry or something.” He tried again in a strained voice, making us laugh even harder.

I sobered up after a few moments, feeling sorry for Adrian, as the rest of my family continued to laugh at him. I stepped towards him and pushed Adam into his arms gently. Adrian stiffened as the child came closer towards him, and he looked over at me with the same panicked expression as before.

“Shortcake, what are you doing?”

“Adrian, relax. Just hold him like this,” I began to explain, altering Adrian’s grip on Adam to the proper way of holding a toddler. “See? Look, he’s already stopped crying. Now, rub his back gently and smile at him,” I coached. Adrian hesitated before slowly placing the palm of his hand on Adam’s back, and gently began to stroke it in a comforting motion.

“Smile,” I reminded him with a grin of Copyright 2016 - 2024