The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,115

muttered, before walking away in a slightly quicker speed than normal.

I sighed. “Adrian, if you’re going to be like this all night then we may as well go home.”

“He was looking at you!” Adrian exclaimed angrily, like it was a good thing that he snapped at a random stranger.

“Yes, I understand. But he only looked, and you don’t even know if it was on purpose. Now, if he – or any other man for that matter – tried to flirt with me, then I give you full permission to be your usual possessive self. For now, let’s just enjoy our time here as much as we can.” I finished calmly, giving him a stern look.

Adrian studied my expression for a few moments, before sighing. “Fine,” he grumbled, dragging me over to a ride that spun a lot. “Two tickets,” he demanded as he placed a $20 bill onto the table.

“Please,” I added, glaring at Adrian.

“What- Oh come on! It’s their job! I don’t need to be nice to them,” he exclaimed with a glare.

“Yes, you do!” I responded, glaring in return.

“Whatever,” Adrian grumbled, before snatching the two tickets from the salesman.

“Thank you!” I called out pathetically before Adrian could drag me away. “You need to work on your social skills,” I huffed angrily once we stood in the line.

“I don’t care for other people so I don’t need to learn how to make them happy. The only person I have to do that with is you. And my dad. Occasionally. And maybe Maria when I wanted her to make me her famous apple pie.” Adrian shrugged.

I gave him a look of disbelief at the fact that he said something sweet before shaking out of it. “I’m saying it for your own good!”

Before I had a chance to move away, Adrian pressed his lips against mine. “You know when I kiss you? That’s for my own good. I don’t need anything else.” He stole another kiss before I could recover.

I pulled away while blushing. “You’re moody when we’re in public,” I observed, biting my lip curiously as I watched him glare at a random woman who walked past.

“I don’t like people,” he responded with a shrug, before looking down at me. “Well, not all people.” He smirked, before stealing yet another quick kiss from my lips.

I flushed from the public displays of affection Adrian was currently making before I noticed we were at the front of the line. Adrian handed the man the two tickets he bought and the man led us into the ride.

“Now, all you have to do is stay standing with your back on the wall,” the man said, giving both Adrian and me a smile. “Try your best to stay on the wall throughout the entire ride and you should be fine.”

“Okay, thank you.” I smiled back and gave him a small nod, before taking my place next to Adrian on the ride.

The man locked Adrian’s chain in place before moving over to do mine. “Is he your boyfriend?” he asked me, looking over at Adrian. My gaze briefly flickered over to Adrian’s now stiff-posture just as he began to glare at the man.

“Yes, he is,” I replied, giving him a tight smile.

“He’s a lucky guy,” the man responded, causing me to flush in response.

“You’ll be a lucky man if you get away from her in 5 seconds,” Adrian growled, glaring at the man fiercely. The worker locked my chain in place before he nervously scurried off to help another random family that was getting onto the ride.

“Adrian!” I scolded. “He was being nice.”

“He was flirting with you!” Adrian exclaimed, giving me a look of disbelief.

“No, he wasn’t!”

“Yes he was,” Adrian snapped. “Anyway, we’re going home after this ride,” he grumbled, before sending another cold glare in the worker’s direction.

I rolled my eyes in response and waited for the ride to begin, not bothering to argue.


“You’re angry,” Adrian observed once we re-entered our apartment.

“I’m not angry,” I replied evenly while placing my handbag onto the sofa.

“Yes, you are. You’re doing that thing with your fingers where you unconsciously tap them on the side of your thighs three times. You only do that when you’re angry or when you’re waiting for something to print,” Adrian explained, giving me a pointed look.

“How… How did you even notice that?” I asked, my anger temporarily being pushed aside and replaced with shock.

“I like to watch you when you’re in your own little bubble, Shortcake,” he answered. “Just like I know that Copyright 2016 - 2024