The Assistant - Elle Brace Page 0,104

grin on my face. “Yes, I know it’s a dress. It’s amazing. I absolutely love it…” I trailed off, looking back at the laptop screen.

Amy suddenly squealed beside me, making me snap out of the haze I was in. “You’re becoming a girl! Finally! I thought you were going to go through menopause before this moment would come!” Amy squealed again, before I felt myself being pulled into a suffocating hug.

I laughed into her shoulder and hugged her back. “Thank you so much, Ames.”

“Do you know how you can thank me? Convince Adrian to let me into the apartment. It’s yours now too, you know,” she pointed out, before a wry smile made its way to her face. “I know exactly how you can convince him as well! It only needs a bed. That’s it. No clothing, no utensils – oh, unless you’re into that kind of stuff. Kinky-”

“AMY, SHUT UP!” I groaned loudly, flushing in mortification.

Amy erupted into a fit of giggles just as I threw a pillow in her direction, making the volume of her laughter increase dramatically.

“I’m leaving,” I glared at her, instantly making her sober up from her laughter. “I’ve already had enough of you and your insults to Chase Crawford and your sex comments that involve Adrian and me.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to use the sex comments in bed? It’s called dirty talk, maybe he’s into that kind of-”

I ran out her apartment and slammed the door before she could finish her sentence. Even from behind it, I could hear the muffled sound of her musical laughter. It echoed in my head even as I walked away and headed back home.


“Adrian, where will Rita do my hair today if you don’t let anyone in our apartment?” I asked curiously as I pressed print on one of the files on my laptop.

“Our apartment. I love the way you say that.” Adrian smirked, making me blush before he answered, “She’ll do it in a vacant room or here in the office.”

“A room. I want to get ready in your apartment,” I emphasized, trying to cover my blush.

Adrian shrugged. “Whatever you want, Shortcake. I’ll cater to your needs; and your weird friend emailed me and told me that we should have sex. I just thought I’d let you know.”

“WHAT?!” I exclaimed, my eyes growing wide as his words registered in my mind fully.

Adrian began chuckling at my discomfort, and I glared at his lame attempt at joking before turning around and snatching the recently printed files out of the printing plate.

A loud banging noise suddenly erupted through the quiet office, and my head snapped over to Adrian’s direction with wide eyes. “What is wrong with you?!” I exclaimed in shock.

“It’s not working!” Adrian snapped, glaring at me while pointing at the computer screen on his desk.

“Okay, okay! No need to get your panties all bunched up in a twist! Here, let me have a look at it.” I got out of my seat and walked over to where he was standing by his desk. I pressed the power button on the screen before letting out an impatient sigh and turning my head around to meet Adrian’s eyes. “Will you give me some space?” I laughed, pushing him gently into his desk chair.

Adrian smirked. “That was hot. I like it rough.”

“Adrian!” I exclaimed as I felt my face flush in embarrassment at the thought. He chuckled at my response and I threw a pen at him before turning back to the electrical device. I began to inspect the chords thoroughly, before frowning. “Hmm.”

“Hmm indeed. I like this view a lot,” Adrian interjected, making me turn around and glare at him with another red face. He smirked in my direction before indicating for me to continue. I turned back to the computer with an amused grin, before frowning again at the lifeless piece of technology.

Deciding that the monitor and keyboard were fine, I bent down to inspect the hard drive of the device. The chords were all in their correct places, and I bent even further in order to follow the electricity line. “Is it even turned on?” I murmured to myself, trying to find the electric switch.

“Probably not, but I am,” Adrian mumbled, making me squeal in shock and bump my head underneath the desk from his words.

My face began to heat up in embarrassment once again before I found the electric switch and flipped it on before crawling out of my position under the desk. Copyright 2016 - 2024