Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,8

frightful roar. He grinned as he heard the answering cries of terror from behind him. It was time now to bring the demonstration to a satisfying conclusion.

The creature’s long tongue shot out of its gaping mouth, wrapping itself around the wriggling body of the king and slowly it began to draw him in towards those waiting fangs. Trannos, his eyes bulging and froth dripping from his lips screamed and cackled insanely as he was drawn ever closer to the monsters mouth. Then those dreadful jaws snapped shut and blood sprayed from Balzar’s lips as the king’s body was reduced to red ruin. Even then, Trannos continued to scream long after his cries should have ceased but finally, with a long, gurgling, gasp, he fell silent at last. Balzar opened his mouth and spat out the ruined body. It fell to the floor and lay there, twisted and broken, in a slowly widening pool of blood. With a last baleful glare at the cowering humans, the thing retreated slowly back into the flame shot clouds of smoke. Then the smoke itself slowly faded away until only the wall of the throne room remained.

In the horrified silence that followed, only Demos moved. He turned slowly around and held the glowing ring high above his head. He looked upon the wide-eyed, frightened nobles and he smiled a cruel smile. In a voice full of evil glee he cried out,

‘Akonites, prostrate yourselves before your new king!’

All there hastened to obey, lest they too should fall foul of the wizard’s wrath. Demos, looking down upon their prostrate forms, grinned in satisfaction as he looked upon his new subjects. They were the first but they would not be the last. The world was about to learn that it had a new master.

Alive with the thrill of power he turned and striding over to the golden throne of Akon, he seated himself upon it. He was king here now but he had grander plans. When he had conquered Torr and had wrested the heart of Ra from its hiding place he would be no mere king, he would be the master of an empire such as the world had never seen.

In a loud and imperious voice he cried out,

‘Summon my generals and counselors to the palace. For today we set out upon the road to empire!’

He laughed as they scurried to do his bidding, then he leaned back in his new won throne and began to dream ambitious dreams.


Princess Amira moaned softly as consciousness returned. Her eyes flickered open and she looked up into the face of a huge warrior who was crouching over her. She gasped and shrank back from him. It had not been a nightmare then. Briefly, images of brutal men and savage conflict filled her mind and she cried out in fear.

‘Easy girl,’ grated the man. ‘You are safe now. Those who tried to kidnap you lie slain; you need fear them no longer.’

She stared up at him, wide eyed, unable to believe what had been happening to her this night. Never, in all her young life had anyone dared to lay violent hands upon her. She bridled at the memory of being dragged through dark passageways and through filthy alleys; of being fought over as though she were a mere piece of property. And now she found herself being held in the arms of this savage who claimed to have saved her. It was too much to bear. Her eyes flashed in outrage as she glared up at him and then her mounting anger suddenly vanished to be replaced by a thrill of unease as she looked into the warrior’s cold, grey eyes.

She had heard tales of such barbarian warriors, grisly tales of bloodshed and rapine and slaughter and she suddenly felt very unsure of herself in this huge man’s presence. What did he intend to do with her?

She gasped as he suddenly, with great strength and ease, lifted her to her feet. Her head was spinning but she managed to keep her balance and said,

‘Who are you warrior?’

‘My name is Asgoleth of Cathia, a land far to the north of here. How came you to be in the company of such rogues girl?’

She stared at him, taken aback by his direct speech and forthright manner. It was something she was just not used to. Finally she shook her head and replied,

‘In truth Asgoleth, I know not. The last thing I remember clearly was drinking a goblet of wine before retiring Copyright 2016 - 2024