Asgoleth the Warrior - By Bill Kirkwood Page 0,42

staggered and Asgoleth put his arm about her slim waist to support her.

‘Oh Asgoleth, what is happening to me?’

Before he could answer a loud humming noise filled the air and they both turned their gaze upon the mountain. They watched a brilliant spear of red light reach out and strike the flank of the mountain and where it touched, the stone began to melt and run like water.

Under the assault of the terrible weapon the mountain began to collapse in a gigantic avalanche. Tumbling rocks and stones filled the air with a deafening roar and a huge cloud of dust filled the air. Asgoleth and Amira were thrown off their feet as the ground shook and trembled under the impact of millions of tons of falling rock.

Asgoleth held her to him, protecting her as best he could within his arms from the stones that bounced through the air all around them. At last the rumbling died away and a dusty silence filled the land. He climbed to his feet and stared in awe at the destruction Demos had wrought. Of the mountain, only a tumbled hill of broken, jagged, rocks remained and the young barbarian shuddered. With such power at his command Demos was invincible. He tried to imagine the fate of any army that went up against such a weapon and he shuddered again at the images his mind brought forth. Mortal men could not withstand such hellish sorcery.

He felt a thrill of superstitious unease run through him as he considered the thought that Demos was indeed an inhuman monster. Such a one would not hesitate to use such power against his enemies. Cities, no matter how well defended and fortified, would fall easily before him. Whole armies would be reduced to ash. The world would fall beneath the sway of the tyrant and nothing good or wholesome would survive. Only a bleak and dreadful future lay ahead with all men everywhere the slaves of Demos the Sorcerer.

‘It shall not be!’

The words rang from his lips loud and defiant as he glared at the ruined mountain.

‘By Ragnar's beard I swear. It shall not be.’

A cruel, mocking laugh from Amira directed his attention away from the destruction and onto her. Her eyes glittered with malevolent glee and he knew that once more Demos had taken possession of her mind. Again his hateful voice emanated from her beautiful lips.

‘Brave words fool but words cannot stop me. You have seen my power. Soon I shall be the master of an empire such as the world has never seen. You will have nowhere to hide then barbarian. Surrender to me now and I will grant you a quick death as a reward for bringing me the Heart of Ra. Continue to defy me and your death will be long and slow and hideously painful. Come to me barbarian. Come to me now.’

Mocking laughter rose from her lips and Asgoleth snarled and raised his fist to strike out at his enemy. Just in time he realised that the blow would only hurt Amira, not Demos and he held his hand. Demos spoke through her once more.

‘Well done barbarian, you must not hurt your pretty princess. Even though she can become my eyes and ears at any time I choose and betray you to me. Take her and run barbarian. Try to avoid my soldiers while she calls out to them. Let’s see how far you will get before you decide she must be slain to save your own worthless skin. Go barbarian, Run!’

Once more his mocking laughter rang out and pealed off the surrounding rocks. The noise would alert every Akonite to his position and he acted swiftly. He ripped the remains of her gown from her body and used a wadded up ball of cloth as a gag. Then he quickly tore the remainder of the gown into strips which he used to bind her arms and legs. Silenced and helpless she looked utterly pathetic and he felt an unusual stir of pity. Then he saw that malevolent glitter in her eyes and he hardened his heart. To save them both he must subject her to this indignity but he vowed that he would make Demos pay for it. He would save her and he would destroy Demos and the gods help any man who tried to stop him.

He scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder then began to glide smoothly among the jumbled rocks carrying his burden easily. All around Copyright 2016 - 2024